English Collection


more give

2014年02月06日 | 英語学習
The years of jogging had left him so sensitive to footing that he could feel the difference between running on sidewalk and running in the street. Street's better. More give. Smooth. Shows what we care about in our culture. He took short steps.
上に出たきた "give" は私がブログを始めて間もない頃に覚えた "give" の意味で使われているのに違いありません。 当時はまだ余り英英辞書を利用していなかったので、今回は英英辞書で上の "give" の意味を確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: a tendency to yield under pressure; resilience ⇒ there's bound to be some give in a long plank, there is no give in his moral views
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: the tendency to bend or stretch: For shoes to be comfortable, there needs to be plenty of give in the leather.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the quality of stretching, bending, or breaking, or becoming less firm or tight, under pressure: A sweater knitted in pure cotton hasn't much give (= will not stretch much).
"give" の意味は再確認しましたが、Newmanが "running on sidewalk and running in the street. Street's better." と言っているのが良く分かりません。 山道が走り難いのは分かりますが、舗装されている町の道が More give. と言うのには余り納得できませんが、Newmanが走っている "sidewalk" はそんなに硬いのでしょうか?
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