English Collection


Baggy eyes

2013年04月11日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 3月号のHealth Smart欄にあった記事タイトルが気になりました。
Baggy eyes? Take care of your heart
"Baggy eyes" とはどんな眼かと思いながら記事を読みます。
Baggy eyelids are a strong predictor of heart disease and the risk of heart attack.
As part of the Copenhagen Heart Study, researchers analysed almost 11,000 people aged 40 years and older and found those who had three to four ageing signs - a receding hairline at the temples, baldness at the head's crown, earlobe creases or yellow fatty deposits around the eyelid - had a 57% increased risk for heart attack and a 30% increased risk for heart disease.
どうも眼と言うよりも、"eyelid" や眼の周りがたるんでいる事のようです。辞書で "baggy" の意味を確認します。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: (of clothes) hanging loosely because of being too big or having been stretched: baggy trousers: My T-shirt went all baggy in the wash.
・American Heritage Dictionary: Bulging or hanging loosely: baggy trousers.
辞書にはだぶだぶの服の例しか見つかりませんでしたが、"Baggy eyes" は眼の周りがたるんでいる状態を示しているのはたしかです。
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