English Collection



2013年04月04日 | 英語学習
大文字で始まる"Ford"ではなく、小文字の "ford" は知りませんでしたが、奥の細道(translated by Dorothy Britton)の石巻と那古浦の個所に次ぎのように名詞と動詞の "ford" が出てきました。
・Passing places well known to us through poetry--the ford at Sode, Obuchi Meadow, and the pampas moor of Mano--we followed an embankment that stretched interminably.

・We forded "the Forty-Eight Streams" at the delta of the Kurobe River and countless other streams and rivers too.
辞書で "ford" を引くと、
・Collins Dictionary:
noun: a shallow area in a river that can be crossed by car, horseback, etc
verb: tr to cross (a river, brook, etc) over a shallow area
・Vocabulary.com: When you’re out hiking in the wilderness, you may have to ford a river if there’s no bridge. Roll up your pant legs because you'll have to wade through the water at a shallow point.
The verb ford describes crossing a body of water on foot at a shallow point or driving across it in a vehicle. The idea is that you’re not using a bridge or a boat to cross the water. Ford also has a noun form, meaning a shallow point in a river or stream. So if you ever have to ford a river, make sure you cross at the ford ? the shallow point ? or you could get very wet.
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