Breakfast at Tiffany'sのHollyは軍隊に入った実の弟が亡くなったとの知らせを受けて気が狂った様に暴れ怪我をしてしまいます。医者が駆けつけますがHollyは気を失ってしまいます。
She came to sufficiently to focus the doctor. 'Everything hurts. Where are my glasses?' But she didn't need them. Her eyes were closing of their own accord.
今日はこの慣用句 "of their own accord" を覚えたいと思います。
・ of one's own accord, without being asked or told; voluntarily: We did the extra work of our own accord.
・American Heritage Dictionary: Also, of one's own free will: Voluntarily, without prompting or coercion, as in The entire audience rose of their own accord, or No, I'm climbing this mountain of my own free will.
なるほど, I wish I could remember many English expressions of my own accord.
She came to sufficiently to focus the doctor. 'Everything hurts. Where are my glasses?' But she didn't need them. Her eyes were closing of their own accord.
今日はこの慣用句 "of their own accord" を覚えたいと思います。
・ of one's own accord, without being asked or told; voluntarily: We did the extra work of our own accord.
・American Heritage Dictionary: Also, of one's own free will: Voluntarily, without prompting or coercion, as in The entire audience rose of their own accord, or No, I'm climbing this mountain of my own free will.
なるほど, I wish I could remember many English expressions of my own accord.