Breakfast at Tiffany's のHollyはシンシン刑務所で服役しているSalvatore "Sally" Tomatoに毎週木曜日に面会に行っているという話を 'Fred' にしていますが途中で話を止めようとします。
'I'm keeping you awake. Go to sleep.'
'Please. I'm interested.'
'I know you are. That's why I want you to go to sleep. Because if I keep on, I'll tell you about Sally. I'm not sure that would be quite cricket.'
"cricket" と言うと、英国と英連邦だけで人気のある野球に似たクリケット(恐らく野球がクリケットから生まれたのでクリケットに似た野球と言うべきか?)とコーロギの様な虫しか思い起こせないのですが、この "cricket" は何でしょう。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: fair and honorable behavior: it wasn't cricket for her to break her contract
・Cambridge English Dictionary: If someone's behaviour or actions are not cricket, they are not honest or moral: It's simply not cricket to flirt with another man's wife.
・Oxford English Dictionary: not cricket; British informal something contrary to traditional standards of fairness or rectitude: an appeal by the Crown against too lenient a sentence is simply not cricket