English Collection



2010年03月08日 | 英語学習

A Japanese railway company has set up innovative 'smile-metres' - laptops installed with smile-rating software and a digital camera - at several of its busiest stations so employees can check to make sure their grin is 'correct' before heading off to face customers.
Just imagine a smile metre on every street corner to help combat even the most serious cases of <B>Mondayitis</B>.
"<B>Mondayitis</B>" の語尾 "itis" は "bronchitis" とか "arthritis" など病名に使われる接尾語なので、"<B>Mondayitis</B>" は月曜病とでも言う意味でしょうが、辞書にのっているか確認します。
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: the way people feel after the weekend (= Saturday and Sunday) when they do not want to go to work or school
・Wiktionary: the tired and apathetic feeling experienced by persons returning to work on a Monday after the weekend.
そう言えば今日は月曜日ですが最近風邪もひかずいたって元気なので "<B>Mondayitis</B>" とも無縁です。

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