RD 1月号のALL in a Day's Workからです。
My father-in-law, a retired detective, told me about the time he arrested a gangster who ran a gambling ring. Once in custody, the man began giving names. "I'm surprised how easily these tough guys break down," I said.
Bill shrugged. "Sometimes that's just the way the bookie crumbles."
最後の落ちにある "bookie crumbles" が "cookie crumbles" をもじった駄シャレと言うのは分かりますが、肝心な "bookie" の意味が分かりません。そこで辞書を引くと、"bookie = bookmaker" とあるので "bookmaker" を見ると、賭元、私設馬券屋の意味があります。ロングマンの英英辞書には "bookie" で説明がありました。
bookie: someone whose job is to collect money that people want to risk on the result of a race, competition etc., and who pays them if they guess correctly