Jodi Picould took the risk in this novel. She was successful in that she shed light on the darkest and the deepest parts of persons in the book. However, I had hard time keeping myself involved in the story simply because certain acts were theatrical. They were nothing but soap operas. I applaud her courageous experiment but I could not love the book.
A family of three goes through a crisis. The story revolves around a perplexed teenager Trixie, referring to Dante's Inferno. Her emotional distress is so vividly portrayed that it is almost afflictive to read through her heartbreak and confusion. Her parents' skeletons are gradually exposed as the story develops. Her father's intriguing previous life in Alaska is relevant to the story. Her mother's short-lived affair is also intertwined. They all ache for being somebody different from whom they truly are. The desire is so strong that they have unconsciously deceived themselves. Such human behaviors are described in a persuasive manner. That is the best part of the book.
This book also contains many flaws. Most notably there are too many mawkish dramas. Suicide attempts, deaths and a funeral incidence are over the top. I only wish she had created the plot believable. In contrast, her other books such as "Handle with Care" and "My Sister's Keeper" stay realistic in color despite certain problems. In addition, Ms. Picoult embraces irrational conducts in the book in order to make the conclusion sensational.
Although Ms. Picoult came very close to pulling all together, I can bestow only three stars due to aforesaid shortcomings.
ジョディー・ピコーの「偽りをかさねて」を読んだ。 14才の少女とその両親を中心に話が展開する。いつものように、ジョディは人間の奥深くに秘められた暗部を素晴らしい描写で暴き出している。
著者が、前書きや後書きで述べているように、この小説のテーマは「自己欺瞞ほど簡単なことはない、もし本人がそうあって欲しいと願っていれば」ーデモステネスー である。
ただ、話があまりにも大げさで、時々しらけてしまうのも事実である。さらに、話を続けるために、警察に不合理な行動を取らせている。 「わたしのなかのあなた」 や "Handle with Care" ではそんな理不尽なことはなく話しについていけた。残念である。難しいテーマを選んで果敢に挑戦した意欲は買うが三つ星止まり。