This is a book about social awakening during African-American Civil Right Movement in 60‘s, observed from both sides. Stories are spun through the eyes of Eugenia Skeeter Phelan, Aibileen and Minny. A criticism of the novel is the lack of diversity in male characters. All of them are stereotypic and insipid. The book could have harbored another vantage to bestow extra dimension to the plots.
Liberal-minded Skeeter was supposed to be the protagonist but ended up with being just a detonator. She returned to Jackson, Missisippi after graduating from Ole Miss with a degree in English. She was experiencing difficulty in mingling with the “white-ladies circle.” She stirred up the town because she was an ignorant outsider. She was single and pitying the mistreated house maids. Her bossy colleague, Ms. Hilly pushed her to the point where she decided to write a book about the maids in Jackson. Her intermittent romance was intertwined but it was superficial and wrapped up all of a sudden, not furnishing the novel with the complexity. Furthermore, the episode between her family and Constantine could have been substantial but it was bungled. Skeeter’s viewpoint had been myopic but, by the end of the book, she seemed have learnt a lesson. She finally broadened her horizon, which was the only notable event. The insignificance of Skeeter’s accounts, however, contrasted other multi-layered stories that provided the novel with depth.
It was Aibileen and Minny who actually provided inspiration in the book.
Minny had a colorful character. She was not mature enough to maintain her job. She talked back when she was pushed. At one point, she carried out her abhorrent cabal, which turned out to be a key event. A discriminating witch Miss Hilly retaliated. It was the beginning. Imperfect and angry Minny was the most powerful character in the book, representing many issues of maids in Jackson. Her struggle for survival was brought to life effectively in The Help. All maids who gathered to aid Skeeter became aware that the world started to change. How many of them, however, expected that an African American would become the president within 50 years?
The most lovable character was undoubtedly Aibileen. She had moved frequently as if she had been specialized in nursing, while most others stuck to one family. Ms. Stockett illustrated her life so vividly that I could feel her torment she had when the babies had grown up and flown away. No matter how heartbreaking such departures had been, she was ready to spread her arms widely for a next baby. She embraced Mae Mobley with a nurturing soul. Ms. Stockett beautifully depicted every detail of their interaction, making it plausible. The portrayal is filled with affection, endearment and intimacy. A new cognizance Aibileen planted was sprouting within Mae Mobley. It was the best part of the novel. Ms. Stockett seemed to have the best comprehension of such a relationship between a housemaid and a child. She mentioned that the motivation to write this book was originated from her experiences with a housekeeper Demetrie who had reared her. She confessed that she had been ignorant of Demetrie’s life although she had admired her. The Help was meant to be the missing link between them.
This is a book I would like my children to read when they are ready.
Four stars.
The Help (Kathryn Stockett) の書評。良い本でなおかつ売れているので、映画化される可能性がある。 ということは訳本が出る可能性があるが、邦題は想像もつかない。
黒人の市民権運動の萌芽期が設定で、南部のど真ん中、ミシシッピ州ジャクソンでの話。南部白人婦人の間では、Junior League で奉仕活動をするのが社会的地位の高さの象徴であった。Junior League は実在の団体で、現在でも立派な社会奉仕活動をしている。例えばニューヨークでは1901年に設立されている。登場する白人婦人達はその奉仕活動団体のメンバーで人種隔離政策を支持している。もちろん、各人によって温度差はある。そこに市民権運動の影響が押し寄せる。