Entrance for Studies in Finance

P.Vernimmen and others, Frequentry Asked Questions in Corporate Finance, Wiley:2011 No.2

P.Vernimmen and others, Frequentry Asked Questions in Corporate Finance, Wiley:2011 No.2

39. hybrid securities ハイブリッド証券 以下の各項目を説明しなさい

hb are essentially bonds with an equity component
warrants ワラント
convertible bonds 転換社債
contingent capital is a convertible bond that mechanically turns into equity if certain events happen or certain ratios are breached by the issuer 条件付き資本あるいは偶発資本だが、実務では和訳せずcontingent capitalで通じる。したがってcontingent capitalで覚えるように。
convertible preferred stock 転換可能優先株
mandatory convertibles 強制転換債
deeply subordinated 従属債あるいは劣後債
tracking stock トラッキングストック
exchangeable bonds 株式転換可能債 

41. generally, excess cash be used for  1)dividends 2)sharebuybacks 3) capital reductions 余剰キャッシュは株主還元余力を示す

     other than reinvesting, organic growth
     in signaling theory a rise in the dividen signals good news シグナル仮説

42 share buybacks 株の買戻し 自社株買いのこと

44.different types of  shareholders
business angels
private equity funds
institutional investors 機関投資家
emploee shareholders   1)direct ownership 2)ESOPs 3)stock options

45.why do companies go public? なぜ会社は公開されるのか?

listing offers distinct benefits: it enables financial managers to access capital markets and obtain the market value for their companies
widely known to other stakeholders, a superb form of free advertising
using it shares as currency, flexibility for the company
incentivize employees in the success of the company
a positive impact on the value of the parent company's shares
public tender offer must be launched in order to delist a company
squeeze-out minority share holders to sell any out standing shares 

47.conglomerate discount   
コングロマリットディスカウント 説明しなさい
cd occurs when the market value of the conglomerate is less than the sum of the values of the assets the conglomerate holds
a persistent conglomerate discount usually leads to a spinoff or a hostile takeover bid 

48.control premium and mionority discount

cp is the amount a buyer is ready to pay over the current market value  in order to obtain the control of a company
md is  a reduction for  the market value by minority shareholders in order to sell their stocks 

50. corporate governance

shareholder control over the management
1)transparency that the board and the management operate
2)the role,composition and functioning of the board
3)the exercise of shareholder power at the general meeting
independent directorsの重要性

#ハイブリッド証券 #株式公開 #コングロマリットディスカウント #支配プレミアム




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