

Part 2: 思い出の英語曲 紹介シリーズ Nostalgic English Music

2011-12-09 | 見解


The nostalgic song this time around is one I liked and listened to often in America, but it's the music video that had an impact on me. (By the way, Japanese may call it a PV [promotional video] but we don't say PV in America, so call it a music video.)

なぜ印象的かと言うと、バンドの歌手(白・赤シャツ)が全然彼氏に似ていないのに、このビデオでは、ドキッとするほどそっくりです。   あまりにも個人的な理由ですみません。エヘヘ

The reason it had an impact on me was because the singer (white/red shirt), who doesn't even look remotely like my boyfriend, somehow manages to look so identical to him in the video that it's shocking. Excuse my exceedingly personal reason, eheheh.

でもやっぱりアメリカのロックは日本のと全然雰囲気違いますね... 最近のアメリカのロックはロックでもなく、ポップでもなく、なんだかその間にあるような気がします。しかし日本の音楽はまだまだはっきり分かれていると思います。ハードロックか、ポップか。でもやっぱりうまく当てはまらないジャンルの音楽好きだなぁ~

But anyway, the feeling behind rock music in America and Japan is wildly different. Nowadays, rock music in America isn't quite rock, and it isn't quite pop; it lingers somewhere in the middle. But Japanese music is still clearly split in two. Either it's hard rock, or it's pop. But I love music that doesn't quite fit clearly into a set genre.




似てない!!!!!!! NOT TWINS!