

料理挑戦! Cooking Challenge!

2011-12-06 | 人生


Whenever I cook for myself, there always ends up being ingredients left over in really weird portions. I had a half of an onion left over from curry I made the other day. I didn't know what to do with it, so I decided to try and make good ol' American onion rings. (Well, not rings as much as "fried onions.")

私はずっと前からものを油で揚げるのが怖くて、避けていたけど、ちょっとした気まぐれでよし!とタマネギの半分を掴みながらいきなり挑戦したくなりました。しかし窓も開けずに、そのまま油が温まるのを待っている間、知らず知らず部屋の空気が黒くなってきていました。気づいたら、キッチンに変な煙が充満していました 火事になりそうとかじゃなかったけどやっぱり私油の扱い方わからな~いとパニクって窓もドアも全部開けました。晩秋の寒~い空気が入ってきたけど煙がなかなか消えてくれませんでした さらに:煙探知器の電池が切れた事、はっけぇ~ん。 今回きり、ありがたいです。

I've always been afraid of deep-frying things in oil so I avoided it, but I decided on the fly--as I grasped my half-onion--that I was going to give it a shot. But I didn't open the window or anything, so as I was waiting for the oil to heat up, the room was slowly filling with smoke before I realized it. By the time I noticed, the kitchen was full of black smoke! It wasn't about to start on fire or anything, but I panicked that yes, I really no nothing about working with oil, and ran and opened every window and my front door. The late-autumn cold air rushed into my apartment, but the smoke just wouldn't go away. Plus, dead smoke detector batteries: discovered! I am thankful for that this time and this time only.


その内なんとか晴れたけど今日もやっぱり油くさいままです。 香をたいてみようと思っています。日本語の「毒をもって毒を制す」を英語でFight fire with fire(火をもって火と戦え)と言います。今度は煙をもって煙と戦います。

The smoke eventually cleared for the most part, but as I feared, my place reeks of oil just as much today. I think I'll burn some incense. The English saying "Fight fire with fire" is, in Japanese, "Fight poison with poison." But now, I'm going to fight smoke with smoke.


By the way, the fried onions ended up tasting about five points out of ten. I do not plan on making them again!