Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;中国人スタッフの不適切発言訂正 NHK、尖閣諸島「中国の領土」

2024-08-26 06:22:34 | Translation

Ref.>"中国「ネット監視員」約800人 半年間も給料の支払無し"



>"China's Indictment of Japanese National: Opaque Judicial System Increases Distrust"


Translation; NHK corrected inappropriate remarks by the Chinese staff member who said that the Senkaku Islands was "Chinese territory"

>"中国人スタッフの不適切発言訂正 NHK、尖閣諸島「中国の領土」"

> NHKは 25日、ラジオ国際放送などの中国語ニュースで中国籍の外部スタッフが沖縄県・尖閣諸島は「中国の領土」などと原稿にない不適切な発言をした問題で、スタッフの発言内容を訂正した。

Concerning the issue that in Chinese-language news reports such as NHK WORLD-JAPAN, a Chinese staff member made an inappropriate remarks that were not included in the script, such as that the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture was "Chinese territory," on Aug. 25, NHK corrected the remark-contents by the staff member.
It released that "I protest historical revisionism and non-professional works by NHK," but it was "historical revisionism propaganda," meansing that "propaganda" was omitted.

> 靖国神社で落書きが見つかったニュースを19日に伝えた際の発言で、さらに、このスタッフが原稿にはない「『軍国主義』『死ね』などの抗議の言葉が書かれていた」という文言を勝手に付け加えていたことも明らかにした。
It was the remarks in reporting a news on Aug. 19 that a graffiti was found at Yasukuni Shrine. In addition, it also revealed that the staff member selfishly added wording that was not in the original manuscript that "Words of protest such as [militarism] & [die] were written."

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