Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:[チャンネル正論]. 阿比留瑠比氏解説 改憲か野垂れ死にか

2024-05-05 11:33:26 | Translation

Ref.>"【笑】れ 大石あきこ「裏金自民が憲法変えようなんてど厚かましい」「改憲勢力はうさん臭い!」→ 他党の方々の表情w"


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Channel Seion]. "Constitutional amendment" or "dying by the roadside" -- commentary by Abiru Rui

>"[チャンネル正論]. 阿比留瑠比氏解説 改憲か野垂れ死にか"

> 衆院3小選挙区補選で全敗した自民党。
> 9月の自民党総裁選での岸田文雄首相(総裁)の再選に赤信号が灯った。
> このまま退陣は不可避なのか、それとも憲法改正推進で起死回生を図れるのか。
> 産経新聞論説委員兼政治部編集委員の阿比留瑠比氏が解説する。
> 聞き手は月刊「正論」発行人有元隆志。

The LDP, which lost all three LH single seat constituencies by-elections.
A red light has been on to PM Fumio Kishida's re-election in the LDP presidential election in September.
Is it inevitable that he will step down as it is, or will he be able to make a comeback by promoting constitutional revision?
Rui Abiru -- the politics editor and a member of the editorial board of The Sankei Shimbun -- explains that in the following footage.
The interviewer is Takashi Arimoto, publisher of the monthly "Seiron" (who is a former director of the political dept. of The Sankei Shimbun).

> 阿比留瑠比氏解説 改憲か野垂れ死にか

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