Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:中国のコロナ規制に抗議続出 習指導部逆風

2022-11-27 10:26:37 | Translation

Ref.>"中国富豪番付発表 トップ100人の総資産は前年比で 40%も減少"


> 市民の前で「ゼロコロナ政策」批判 中国で "異例の演説"(2022年11月26日)

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Against wind to the Xi Jinping leadership -- against COVID-19 restrict in China is criticized successively

>"中国のコロナ規制に抗議続出 習指導部逆風"

> 中国で新型コロナウイルスの感染者が増加し外出規制が強まる中、住民らの抗議が各地で広がった。
> インターネットの交流サイト(SNS)では、新疆ウイグル自治区ウルムチ市で群衆がデモ活動をしたとする映像が流れた。
> 北京では住民の抗議で当局が封鎖を撤回する事態も。
> 習近平指導部の「ゼロコロナ」政策に逆風が吹いている。

As the number COVID-19 infection is rising in China and the restriction on going out is beefed up, protests by residents spread throughout the country.
On internet social media, a footage showing that a crowd is demonstrating in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, was circulated.
In Beijing, protests by residents have led authorities to lift the lock down.
The Xi Jinping leadership's "zero corona" policy is facing a against wind.

> 25日夜に流れた映像によると、ウルムチ市とみられる街頭に多くの人が繰り出し「封鎖解除」などと叫んだ。
> 現地では長らく地区ごとのロックダウン(封鎖)や行動制限が続いているとされる。

The footage circulated in the night on the 25th showed that many persons are going out on the streets in believed to be Urumqi, and shouting "the blockade should be lifted."
Locally, it is said that the lockdown (blockade) and movement restrictions have continued for each district for a long time.

> 北京市東部の居住区では 25日、住民らが規定より厳しい封鎖措置の開始に異議を唱え撤回させた。
> 住民は共同通信の取材に「危うく封鎖されるところだった」と証言した。
> SNS上ではこうした動きに共感する声が広がっている。
> 習指導部はゼロコロナ政策を継続する方針で、抗議映像も次々に削除された。

On Nov. 25, in a residential area in eastern Beijing, the residents protested and overturned the start of a tougher-than-regulation lockdown.
A resident testified in a coverage by Kyodo News that "almost at risk of being locked down."
On social media, voices sympathizing with these moves are spreading.
The Xi Jinping leadership has a policy to continue the zero-COVID-19 policy, therefore the protest showing footages are deleted one after another.

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翻訳:北朝鮮、韓国非難の書籍を出版「破滅へ向かう疾走」 尹政権を罵倒 66ページ

2022-11-27 08:08:28 | Translation

Ref.>"北朝鮮がミサイルを相次いで発射 威力は?射程は?その基本をやさしく解説"

> USS Michigan arrived in Japan amid N. Korea's recent ICBM test

Translation; "Rapid running towards ruin," N. Korea has published a book to criticize S. Korea abusing the Yoon Suk-yeol administration over 66 pages

>"北朝鮮、韓国非難の書籍を出版「破滅へ向かう疾走」 尹政権を罵倒 66ページ"

> 北朝鮮の宣伝サイト「>"朝鮮の今日"」は 26日、発足から半年を過ぎた韓国の尹錫悦政権を非難する内容の書籍が出版されたことを公表した。

On Nov. 26, a propaganda website in N. Korea, >"DPRK Today," announced that a book with the contents to criticize the Yoon Suk-yeol administration in S. Korea, which inaugurated half a year ago, was published.
It's titled as "Rapid running towards ruin" (correct title in English is unknown), it denounces the Yoon administration's policies toward N. Korea and domestic affairs over 66 pages.

> 書籍は、尹氏が北朝鮮を「主敵」と呼んだことを挙げ、尹氏こそ「民族の主敵」だと指摘、「尹政権は民族団結の相手ではなく、徹底して壊滅しなければならない敵だ」と宣言した。
> また尹政権が「米国を主人のように敬ってごまをすり、宿敵日本にぬかずいて民族の尊厳と利益を踏みにじっている」と主張し、日米との軍事協力強化を問題視した。

In the book, it's picked up that Yoon Suk-yeol called N. Korea as the "main enemy," pointed out that Yoon in himself is the "national enemy," and declared that "The Yoon administration isn't a counterpart of ethnic unity, but an enemy that must be completely ruined."
In addition, it asserts that the Yoon administration "respects and flatters the U.S. as if it were a master, prostrate itself before an arch-enemy, Japan, and tramples on the dignity and interests of the ethnic group," and problematizes upgrade of military cooperation with the U.S. and Japan.

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2022-11-27 07:01:18 | Translation


>"立憲・石川香織衆院議員、夫に事務所費支払い 計141万円「問題ない」"


> 離島防衛想定し英陸軍と訓練 陸自が公開 群馬・榛東村

Translation; Japan Ground SDF jointly conducted remote island defense drill with the British Army to appeal security cooperation


> 陸上自衛隊は 26日、群馬県の相馬原演習場で、英陸軍との離島防衛を想定した共同訓練を報道関係者に公開した。
> 演習場を敵に上陸された離島に見立て、日英の部隊が陸自の CH47大型輸送ヘリコプターで降り立ち、作戦を展開していく手順を確認した。

On Nov. 26, the Ground SDF (JGSDF) opened to the press a joint exercise with the British Army at the JGSDF Soumagahara Exercise Area in Gunma Pref. on the assumption of remote island defense.
Assuming the exercise area to be a remote island landed by the enemy, Japanese and British troops landed there from large CH47 transport helicopter(s) of the Ground SDF and confirmed the procedure for developing operations.

> 陸自と英陸軍の共同訓練は 2018年に始まり、3回目。
> 自衛隊は中国を念頭に、英国など欧州各国との安全保障協力の強化を進めている。
> 今回もその一環で、陸自からは唯一の落下傘部隊、第1空挺団が参加し、日英の連携をアピールする狙い。
> 陸自は同じ島国同士であることを生かし、戦術技量の向上を図るとしている。

Joint training between the GSDF and the British Army started in 2018, and this is the 3rd one.
With China in mind, the SDF is upgrading security cooperation with the U.K. and other European countries.
The joint drill this time is a part of that too, and the GSDF's only parachute unit, the 1st Airborne Brigade participates in it aiming to appeal cooperation between Japan and the U.K.
The GSDF explained to intend to take advantage of the fact that they are both island countries to improve their tactical skills.

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翻訳:知らぬ間に〝属国化〟中国の「目に見えぬ侵略」に警鐘 「脇の甘い日本にこそ問題がある」佐々木類氏の新著『ステルス侵略』が話題

2022-11-27 02:44:49 | Translation

Ref.>"中国がもし台湾を武力統一したら… -- 独メディア"

>"中国船、漁船追い侵入 最大級の機関砲搭載も 尖閣周辺"

>'ロシア・プーチン大統領、若者らの "殉国"を正当化「われわれは皆、死ぬ運命にある。問題はどのように生きるかだ」'

>【櫻LIVE】第527回 - 櫻井よしこ × 佐藤正久・参院議員/小原凡司・笹川平和財団上席研究員/矢板明夫・産経新聞台北支局長(プレビュー版)

↓(See detail of this article)、夕刊フジの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Evening Newspaper Fuji)

Translation; "It's Japan which should be problematized, as it's defenseless," Rui Sasaki's new book [Stealth invasion] is a topic = it sounds an alarm on China's "invisible invasion," as Japan is unknowingly "subordinated"

>"知らぬ間に〝属国化〟中国の「目に見えぬ侵略」に警鐘 「脇の甘い日本にこそ問題がある」佐々木類氏の新著『ステルス侵略』が話題(1"

> 産経新聞論説副委員長、佐々木類氏の新著『>"ステルス侵略 中国の罠に嵌った日本"』(ハート出版)が注目されている。
> わが国が、知らぬ間に中国に「属国化」「無血占領」されていく惨状を報告している。
> なぜ、日本は「静かなる侵略(=サイレント・インベージョン)」を許したのか、危機にどう立ち向かうべきか。

New book of Rui Sasaki, vice chairman of the Sankei Shimbun editorial board, "Stealth invasion: Japan is caught in China's trap," is paid attention.
It reports the terrible situation, that our country is being unknowingly "subordinated" and "bloodlessly occupied" by China.
Why is Japan so defenseless to "silent invasion" and how should we face the crisis?

> 佐々木氏は語った。
> 習近平国家主席率いる中国の野心は、軍事力の膨張、領土の拡大だけではない。
> 日本の政財界や教育現場まで、「目に見えぬかたち」で蝕まれてきた。

"The Japanese are unaware of the [essence of the Chinese Communist Party]. China is closing in carefully and with legal means. It's Japan which should be problematized, as it's defenseless.
Sasaki said to.
China's ambitions, led by President Xi Jinping, are not limited to military expansion and territorial expansion.
Japan's political and business circles and even educational sites have been undermined in an "invisible form."

> 同書では、「親中派」「媚中派」とされる政治家に接近する中国人女性や、参院に新設された「特定枠」をめぐる中国側の議席買収疑惑、巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」の魂胆を知らずに、港湾などで連携する地方自治体や地方財界に迫っている。
> 議席買収疑惑では、各党党首を直撃した。

In this book, (the author) reveals Chinese females who approach politicians who are said to be "pro-China" and "flavoring China," a suspicion of buying seats by China over the newly established "special quota" in the House of Councillors, and local municipalities and local business circles cooperating with it in ports and harbors without knowing the motives of the huge economic zone vision "One Belt, One Road."
When it comes to the suspicion of buying seats, (the author) directly questioned the leader of each party.

>"知らぬ間に〝属国化〟中国の「目に見えぬ侵略」に警鐘 「脇の甘い日本にこそ問題がある」佐々木類氏の新著『ステルス侵略』が話題(2"
> 佐々木氏は「政党や地方都市の出来事という認識では済まされない。中国は買収や事業連携なども関連法規を読み込み、『合法的な手続き』を踏んで、日本への浸透工作を仕掛けてきている」と指摘する。
> 衝撃の同著は、作家の百田尚樹氏と、ジャーナリストの有本香氏による新しいネット番組「ニュース生放送 あさ8時!(仮)」でも取り上げられた。

Sasaki points out that "Recognizing that it's an event of a political party and/or municipal cities is insufficient. China has fully read related laws and regulations for even acquisitions and business collaborations, and has been working to infiltrate Japan by following [legal procedures]."
The shocking book was also featured in a new online program "News live broadcast at 8 o'clock in the morning! (temp.)" by author Naoki Hyakuta and journalist Kaoru Arimoto.

> 佐々木氏は語った。

Xi Jinping, who has entered the "unprecedented 3rd term," has vowed to "definitely achieve" unification with Taiwan and "not promise to renounce the use of force."
It's said that "a Taiwanese contingency is a Japanese one." However, the move to maintain relations with China continues, mainly in the business circle.
Sasaki said sas follows;

"Due to the Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the wishful thinking that [It's just a threatening, but it won't carry out an actual invasion] was overturned. It is quite possible that Taiwan will be annexed by force. In the event of a contingency, there is a high risk that local Japanese companies and the Japanese will be taken hostage. Even if decoupling is not immediately possible, it is necessary to take distance."

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