東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師arataのブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】

2010年を振り返って英語講師としてのTOP 5 カウントダウン

2010-12-31 08:43:00 | 英語講師の日記
New Year's eve!!
I know you are busy but thank you for taking some time to check out this blog!!
Since today’s New Year’s eve, in other words the end of the year, I’d like to write about TOP 5 events in 2010.
I’m not sure if you know about Billboard Top 40 countdown, but if you know that, you can enjoy this blog more with your imaginary background music, anyway…No. 1 - No.5 in 2010!!
No. 5: I got TOEIC 970 in July, and this is 10 points up compared with the last year’s result. Next year, I’ll try to achieve the perfect score, 990!!
No. 4: I started teaching elementary school student and currently I’m working on a curriculum for elementary school student.
No.3: Some students’ TOEIC scores went up by 140, 110!!
No. 2: I started this blog and twitter, and thank you for all who check this blog!!
No.1: My goal to establish my English school in 2011 is clear after attending 2 business seminars, and I met a lot of wonderful people!!
I can’t predict what is going to happen to me in 2011; however, I’ll make efforts to do my best to make my dream come true in 2011!!


本日は“2010年を振り返って英語講師としてのTOP 5 カウントダウン”です。

アメリカにBillboard Top 40 countdownというテレビ番組がありますが、ご存じの方は、Billboard Top 40のBGMを想像しながらこのブログを読んでいただけるとさらに楽しめると思います。

Anyway, 英語講師として2010年を振り返ってのTOP5カウントダウンです。

No.5: 7月に受験したTOEICで前年同時期に受験したスコアより10点高い970点を取得したこと。(来年は990点目指します!!)

No.4: 小学生を教えるようになったこと。現在、来年の英語学校設立のための“小学生用カリキュラム”を作成中

No.3: TOEIC受講中の生徒の方のスコアが劇的にアップ!!(140点アップや110点アップ!!)

No.2: ブログとツイッターを始めたこと。Thank you for all who check this blog!!

No.1: 川崎での2つのビジネスセミナーの受講を通し、ユニークでオンリーワン+No.1の英語学校設立のプランが明確になってきたこと。また、セミナーなどを通していろいろなたくさんの方と知り合えたこと





それでは今日の英語での一言:“Words sometime can’t describe how much I appreciate to each of you.”

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します


2010-12-30 08:34:12 | ビジネスでも使える英語&英語表現
Hi, how are you doing?
Thank you for checking out my blog!
Today, I’d like to write about an expression that shows your surprise!
*The previous topic of "how to praise someone" is here:
While I was reading an article about baseball - Matsui and Athletics the other day, an interesting expression “to express surprise” caught my eyes.
According to the article, Athletics GM seems to have said, “Holy cow” when he saw a lot of reporters at the press interview to introduce Matsui.
Above is just example of how to show your surprise, and you can also use the following expressions to show surprise!!
For example…
“Oh my gosh!!”
“Oh my goodness!!”
“Oh Gee!!”
Maybe you come across a situation when you can use these expressions, so just be prepared!!



前回の“職場環境を良くする "褒める" 英語でのひとこと”はこちら:

先日、Oakland Athleticsに加入が決まった松井秀喜選手の記事を読んでいたところ、“英語ならではの面白い表現”が目にとまったのでご紹介したいと思います。


“Holy cow”


上記の"Holy cow"は“驚き”を表すことのできる一例ですが、他には・・・

“Oh my gosh!!”
“Oh my goodness!!”
“Oh Gee!!”


それでは今日の英語での一言:"We can predict what will happen, so just be prepared!!"

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します


2010-12-29 05:35:14 | 英語講師の日記
I'm grateful for your checking my blog!
It's only 2 days left until 2011.
Yesterday was the last day to teach English this year!!
Through all of the lessons this year, I’ve found out there are still a lot of points I need to learn and improve as an English teacher!!
However, at the same time, I was able to know how to teach more effectively little by little!
I just want to thank to all of my students because all of the lessons have taught me something to improve myself!!
Again, thanks a lot!!







それでは今日の本日の一言:“Try to be better all the time!”

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します


2010-12-28 04:55:27 | すぐに使える英語 - 英語表現
Good morning!
Today, I'd like to write about "how to write new year's greeting card in English."
*The one with "how to write Christmas card" is here:
It maybe too late to pick up this topic because most of you have probably finished writing up greeting cards; however, if you are interested in writing a card in English, you can use the following greeting expressions!
Maybe you know and you used some of them this year...

"Happy New Year"
"I wish you a Happy New Year."
"All the best for the New Year."
"I wish this year will be the happiest and best for you."
"Happy New Year! May this year be happy and fruitful."

You can use the expressions above in an Internet greeting card too!
Please try some!!



関連記事の“英語圏の文化 - クリスマスカードに使える英語表現”はこちら:


皆様に馴染みのある“年賀状の表現”と言えば"Happy New Year"(新年おめでとう)がすぐに思いつくかと思いますが、下記の表現も使えます。

"I wish you a Happy New Year."(あけましておめでとう)
"All the best for the New Year."(新年のご多幸をお祈り申し上げます)
"I wish this year will be the happiest and best for you."
"Happy New Year! May this year be happy and fruitful."


それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's use English every day!"

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
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カナダ・トロントのショッピングの日 Boxing Day

2010-12-27 07:57:54 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Good morning!
How was your weekend?
Actually, I totally forgot about the fact until this morning, but yesterday was "Boxing Day" in Canada!
Yes, December 26th is "Boxing Day" and it's a holiday in Toronto.
This day is also known as "Shopping Day" because everything is on sale!
A lot of goods are sold with a discount price at almost all of the shops in Toronto!
If you like shopping, you shouldn't miss this day in Toronto!!


本日は“カナダ・トロントショッピングの日 Boxing Day”です。

完全に今日の朝まで忘れていましたが、今先ほど思い出した事実・・・昨日(12月26日)はカナダ・トロントでは"Boxing Day"(ボクシング・デー)で、休日でした。

この"Boxing Day"(ボクシング・デー)は“お買い物の日”としても知られており、(すべてのお店で、ほとんどの商品と言ってもいいほど)たくさんの物が安く買えます!!

もし、“買い物が好き!!でトロントに行きたい!!”ということであれば、この"Boxing Day"は見逃してはいけない日です!!

今日の英語での一言:"Don't miss this Boxing Day if you like shopping!"

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します


2010-12-26 08:36:55 | 英語講師の日記
How are you doing?
Thank you for reading my blog today too.
Yesterday, I received a kind of "great Christmas present" from one of my students.
The present was the result of the TOEIC score she took last month.
She showed me the result and it proved that her score increased by 110 points - Listening 30 points up & Reading 80 points up!!
*The related subject of the TOEIC result (Aug 20th), click here:
I was really delighted to hear the news since I’ve been teaching her TOEIC course for 4 months.
It's, of course, mainly her incessant efforts to improve not only her TOEIC score, but her total English skills!!
During lesson with her, she always jots down words that she doesn’t know, and summarizes the lesson point after lesson in her free time!!
Needless to say, she always does her homework, and listens to English anytime she has too!!
I'll support her in order to improve her skill and TOEIC score more and more!!
Like her, hopefully all of English learners enjoy learning & communicating in English, and at the same time improving English ability & TOEIC score too!!



関連記事の“嬉しいお便り - TOEIC140点アップ!!”はこちらをクリック:








それでは今日の英語での一言:"hopefully all of English learners enjoy learning & communicating in English, and at the same time improving English ability & TOEIC score too!!"

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します


2010-12-25 06:58:10 | English Plus英語レッスン受講生のためのレッスン復習トレーニング
Merry Christmas!!
Did you get anything for Christmas?
Today, I’d like to recommend a movie for Christmas.
*The related blog of Christmas is here:
The movie I’d like to recommend is this!! "Miracle on 34th street."
This movie is quite famous, so you may have heard it somewhere before.
Surprisingly, the first version of this film was released in 1947, and since then the same film has been shot again and again with different actors.
“Miracle on the 34th street”is always chosen as one of the best Christmas movies.
If you watch it, you will know the reason anyway!!
The English used in the movie is also not too difficult, so you can try English in both sound and subtitle!
You can both enjoy your Christmas time with this movie and improve your English skill!!




本日おすすめする映画は“Miracle on 34th street”(邦題:34丁目の奇跡)です。






それでは今日の英語での一言:"Do you believe in Santa Claus?" (from Miracle of the 34th street)

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します


2010-12-24 04:59:35 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Christmas eve!!
Thank you for checking my blog!
Today, I'd like to write about "how I spent Christmas in Toronto, Canada when I was a student."
In Canada, during at this period of time, they are taking a Christmas vacation.
People usually spend this Christmas time with their family, so they come back to their own hometown.
When I was a student in Toronto, Canada, I had some friends there; however, most of them were foreign students like me, so it was not easy for us to come back to each hometown.
Therefore, we usually held a potluck party.
I hung out with quite a variety of friends from different countries, so we could share a lot of different kinds of food.
In the party, we ate, drank, talked, and danced.
When we were having a good time, time flew.
So, we sometimes lost track of time, but it's become a good memory.
Anyway, I wish you a Merry Christmas.








それでは皆様 "Merry Christmas!!"

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

英語圏の文化 - クリスマスカードに使える英語表現

2010-12-23 09:02:53 | すぐに使える英語 - 英語表現
Good morning and I appreciate your checking my blog!
Since Christmas is coming soon, I'd like to focus on a part of English culture - "Christmas card."
Christmas card is not yet common in Japan; however, it has very important meaning in Canada or some English spoken countries.
When I was in Toronto, Canada, a week or two before Christmas, almost all of the people around me started to write Christmas cards for their family and friends.
I asked my fried about Christmas card and I learned that Christmas card means like Japanese new year's greeting card.
Since then, to my family and my important people, I've been writing the cards.
If you are interested in writing one, you can use the following expressions in Chrismas card.
For example...
"I wish you a Merry Christmas."
"I wish you a joyful Christmas from the bottom of my heart."
"Best wishes to you for a happy Christmas"
There are a lot more expressions you can use, so look them up!!


本日は“英語圏の文化 - クリスマスカードに使える英語表現”です。

関連記事の“英語力アップに多読!! クリスマスの季節におすすめの本”はこちら:





"I wish you a Merry Christmas."
"I wish you a joyful Christmas from the bottom of my heart."
"Best wishes to you for a happy Christmas"


その他にもいろいろな表現がありますので、興味がございましたら、"Yahoo" "Google"などで“クリスマスカード・英文”で調べてみましょう!!

それでは今日の英語での一言:"I wish you all for a wonderful Christmas"

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

職場環境を良くする "褒める" 英語でのひとこと

2010-12-22 08:04:40 | ビジネスでも使える英語&英語表現
Good morning.
How has your week been so far?
Today, I’d like to pick up some expressions to make a good work environment by praising someone who has just done a good job.
*The previous episode of "how to get the party started!" is here:
In English as well as Japanese, there are lots of ways to praise your co-workers and subordinates, who has done a good job!
For example:
“Good job!”
“Well done!”
“You've got it!”
“Good for you!”
“You tried hard!”
and so on...
Find a great co-worker or subordinate, and give them proper praises to make a good work environment!!


本日は“職場環境を良くする "褒める" 英語でのひとこと”です。




“Good job!”
“Well done!”
“You've got it!”
“Good for you!”
“You tried hard!”


それでは今日の英語での一言:“Praise others more than you are praised!”

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します