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英語講師の留学経験 (カナダ エドモントンで遊覧飛行挑戦 編)

2011-01-17 08:30:00 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Good morning.
Today's topic is about “my study abroad experience in Canada - my first flight in Edmonton!!”
*The related episode of "my trip to Edmonton" is here:
When I visited my friend in Edmonton, Canada in 2008, I had an incredible & unforgettable experience!!
That was a sightseeing flight!
The plane we took was small and we were flying not too high, so I could see the beautiful scenery of Edmonton very clearly!!
During the flight, I was sitting in the front and suddenly the pilot asked me if I wanted to fly the airplane.
I said, "Yes" and I flew the airplane for about 5 minutes!!
It was the moment that one of my childhood dreams came true!
Of course, it was my first time to operate an airplane, but the instructor was very kind and told me about how to fly a plane very carefully, and I was able to enjoy it!!
Needless to say, when I operated the plane, the instruction was given all in English.
So, if you can communicate in English, you may have a chance to fly an airplane!!

The plane we took

Some instruments in front of me

Scenery of Edmonton


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