The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


WASP may be the most wicked group 中

2017-07-01 05:15:13 | 世界経済

For America , the war is like a public works project , which makes a huge income .
I think most of the managers in the munitions industry are WASP who are millionaires .
I wonder if they are setting up a war once in a few years .
 「アメリカにとって 戦争は公共事業のようなものになる」
 「軍需産業の経営者の大半はWASPで 数年に一度起こる戦争の中には 彼らの巧妙な仕掛けによるものがあるのではと推測している」

I watched the man sitting at the coffee shop near the Meiji Shrine .
He kept silent and did not say anything .
He looked nihilist and I supposed that he came from Palestine , he might loose his family and relatives .
Israel acted so cruel that robbed most of their land ,and broke the house and killed many children of Palestine .

" They may be acting the same action as Nazis had done ."