終には覚むる 夢の世の中 


3/24 投稿<その1> 深遠なる無知 J.L.ボルヘス

2017-03-24 06:42:03 | 世界の過誤












Satanic Temple launches school anti-spanking campaign in Texas (PHOTO, VIDEO)


Satanic Temple launches school anti-spanking campaign in Texas (PHOTO, VIDEO)

The growing number of Satanic Temple followers have been making their presence felt across America and are now campaigning to outlaw corporal punishment in schools.

The organization this week unveiled a huge billboard in Springtown, Texas, as part of their ‘Protect Children Project,’ which read: “Never be hit in school again. Exercise your religious rights.”

Springtown made headlines in 2012, after a male vice principal spanked two female students aged 15 and 16, leaving “welts, blisters and bruisesaccording to the teens’ parents.

READ MORE: Educatin’ with Satan: Oregon elementary school lets Satanic club rival Christian group

While corporal punishment is still legal in Texas with parental consent, it was, at the time, illegal for a member of the opposite sex to paddle a student. The Springtown ISD Board of Trustees later changed the policy to allow an administrator of the opposite sex to dole out the punishment, on condition that an administrator of the same sex supervises.

The temple’s poster was apparently ill-received by some locals and torn down just one day after it was erected. The group says they will be reinstating the billboard.

The temple’s poster was apparently ill-received by some locals and torn down just one day after it was erected. The group says they will be reinstating the billboard.

The Satanic Temple plans to post billboards near schools that still practice corporal punishment, which is legal in 19 states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi. The temple is requesting donations to help fund the campaign.

READ MORE: Satanic Temple slams new Texas fetus burial rule opposed by Pro-Choice groups

According to a ruling by the US Supreme Court in 1977, spanking or paddling in schools is lawful where it has not been explicitly outlawed by local authorities.
The temple is asking members of the Satanic community who are students in US public schools to register to have their schools notified that corporal punishment is an abuse of their civil rights.


Pedogate: Escaped Elite Pedophile Ring Survivor Warns The Public Victim sold to pedophilia network when she was a baby


 A victim of a child sex trafficking ring, who was sold to powerful pedophile politicians and businessmen, has gone public with her story in an attempt to expose the Elite Washington D.C. pedophilia network that controls the United States. Known only as 'Kendall', she describes how she was 'sold' to a child sex trafficker by her parents when she was a baby and said that she was sexually abused by pedophiles before she could even talk. She has spoken out for the first time since her harrowing escape three years ago to TV's Dr. Phil, as she says she wants to warn the public about the sheer scale of the human trafficking problem, not only in the US but worldwide. Experience Nature to the Fullest Let go of concerns and explore all that the untamed wild has to offer Sponsored by SK-II {display: none !important;}} SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO Kendall says she was kept in a cage with other children by the "man who owns" her and was flown around the world on private jets and sold to wealthy and powerful "clients". She describes how she would be released from her cage and sent to a hair and make-up artist and dressed in expensive clothes before being taken to Elite black tie affairs and high-profile sporting events where she would escort "men". When Dr. Phil asked her how old she was, she said she didn't know, but had tried taking 90s nostalgia quizzes on Facebook and estimates that she is around 23 years old. Since she had spent almost her whole life in captivity she had rarely seen television or had access to the internet, but now says she sees the men and women she was sold to in the mainstream media all the time; "They control the world. The only one who can protect me from them is 'the man who owns me' - he taught me how to kill myself properly with a gun". googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1476443345818-1'); }); The Daily Mail reports: Kendall said she was sold at birth and remembers being abused for the first time before she could even talk. 'The man who owns me said I was made for that,' she told Dr. Phil. 'I was kept in a cage that was hung from the ceiling.' When she wasn't locked in the cage with other kidnapped children, Kendall said she was flown across the world on the private planes and sold to powerful men. She said she would escort the men to black tie affairs and high profile sporting events when she got older. Some of her clients were doctors, politicians, and even law enforcement. Kendall said she was taught how to act and dress in order to avoid suspicion that she was a sex trafficking victim. 'For clothes, a guy would come in with a lot of expensive clothes and dress us up. I also had a hair and makeup artist,' she said. She said she never handled money and that the clients would pay men who worked for the sex trafficker. During her interview with Dr. Phil, the petrified woman still referred to the boss of the operation as the 'man who owns me'. The Dr. Phil episode aired on Tuesday, March 21.

Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/1993-pedogate-escaped-elite-pedophile-ring-survivor-warns-the-public
© Neon Nettle





They Thought She Was Crazy: Doctor Extracts RFID Chip From Sex Trafficking Victim


If someone walks into a hospital and claims that they’re being tracked, and that they need to have a tracking device removed, there’s a pretty good chance that they’re going to be sent to a mental institution instead. However, according to a doctor who wished to remain anonymous to protect his patient, that very situation occurred last October and it didn’t end how you might expect.

The patient in question was a 28-year-old woman who claimed that she had a GPS tracking device planted in her body. Normally a patient like that would be regarded as crazy, but this woman appeared totally sane, and she had an incision mark on her side. So the doctor decided to check her out anyway. The medical staff at the hospital were stunned when they finally gave her an x-ray.

“Embedded in the right side of her flank is a small metallic object only a little bit larger than a grain of rice. But it’s there. It’s unequivocally there. She has a tracker in her. And no one was speaking for like five seconds — and in a busy ER that’s saying something.”

It turns out that it wasn’t a GPS device, but an RFID chip. “It’s used to tag cats and dogs. And someone had tagged her like an animal, like she was somebody’s pet that they owned.”

In a way, that makes it even creepier than a GPS device. RFID chips have a very short range. To be useful for tracking someone’s position, they would have to be kept confined in an area where the right equipment is in place to send or receive signals from the chip. The doctor would later discover that this woman was a victim of sex trafficking.

Science fiction has been warning about the potential of tracking devices for years, but usually in reference to how the government might use this technology. It just goes to show that the way humans use technology in the real world is often stranger (and creepier) than fiction.

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As CIA Director, George Bush waffled on promise to not destroy records of Agency’s illegal activities


Memo in CREST shows Agency considered employing semantics to get around ban on destroying damaging material

Written by Michael Best
Edited by JPat Brown

Declassified records recently unearthed in CREST show the CIA waffled on a promise to obey the law in destroying records of Agency’s illegal activities and wrongdoing

In 1976, Congresswoman Bella Abzug wrote to CIA Director George H.W. Bush about the existing moratorium on the destruction of CIA files. As the Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Government Information and Individual Rights, which had jurisdiction over government information policy including FOIA and the Privacy Act, she wanted the moratorium extended - specifically, she wanted to ensure that Congress had time to enact legislation in response to the Church, Pike, and Rockefeller hearings and the resulting reports.









