文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They are more afraid than anything else that countries worldwide will sue them for damages

2020年11月28日 09時40分46秒 | 全般
I've mentioned several times that WBS, the duo of Oe Mariko and Takita Yoichi, is the best news program on Japanese television.
All the astute viewers of WBS last night were left saying "What?" to Mariko Oe's comments on one news item. I should have thought so.
China has accelerated its attack on Australia and, in turn, has begun to harass Australian wine.
Oe's comments on the reason for this were bizarre.
The people who control the news department at the Asahi and other TV stations have shown themselves too lazy or incompetent to deal with the Japanese people.
Ms. Oe, although I have a favorable view of you, on the whole, your comments last night are out of the question.
On the contrary, I felt a sense of dread.
You are the best female presenter of a news program, including your facial expressions while reporting, because you are under China's control.
You made at least two comments last night about why China is doing this, but you distracted from the real reason you didn't say in each case.
China is pressuring Australia on trade because the Australian prime minister told the world the obvious: "China must accept a commission of inquiry into the circumstances of the new corona outbreak.
"The Nikkei and the Ministry of Finance Are Idiots" is Yoichi Takahashi's book's title.
The Nikkei and TV Tokyo's China coverage shows clear signs of adulation, no, guidance from China.
The fact that Yoichi Takita, one of the rare TV reporters who has not been caught in a Chinese trap, was there at the time showed how widespread Chinese manipulation has become in the Japanese mass media, except the Sankei Shimbun.
It was nothing short of distressing.
There is no pride in the Japanese press at all.
The way they are bowing down to the viciousness of the Communist Party dictators in the country of abysmal evil and plausible lies on the grounds of economics, even though they are a Nihon Keizai Shimbun, is a disqualifying factor for a news organization.
The Chinese, who are trying to cover up the Australian Prime Minister's statement by instructing TV Tokyo to broadcast it, are more afraid than anything else that countries worldwide will sue them for damages.
China's desire to prevent this from happening by any means necessary has also been exposed.
There is not a single person in the Japanese media who has not visited China.
The time has come for the Japanese people to investigate all of their relations with China thoroughly.
Incidentally, today's Sankei Shimbun clearly states that TV Tokyo, as instructed by China, has withheld its report on this matter ... because of the Australian Prime Minister's statement that "China must accept a commission investigate the circumstances of the new corona outbreak."
But the Sankei Shimbun is also not 100% sure, as I have mentioned several times.
For his remarks at President Trump's press conference yesterday, Washington correspondent Etsunari Kurose wrote an article that only looked at the anti-Trump media coverage of the U.S. media, which is all about anti-Trump.
He lost his ability to cover the story rapidly after the presidential election and wrote what the anti-Trump media reported.
WBS, as a news organization, did decent reporting on this matter, the opposite of Kurose.
In other words, they duly reported what Trump, whose remarks were cut out to suit the anti-Trump media, immediately responded to on Twitter.
Kurose wrote the article without even reading Trump's Twitter.
He needs to reflect on this.


