文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is a time to realize the amendment of the constitution and to express the spirit of

2017年09月17日 16時29分09秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Japan will set the flag of values

The defense spending in 2017 exceeded one trillion yuan (about 16.5 trillion yen), but China uses a huge budget that exceeds its military expenditure as domestic security maintenance expenses.

Without that repression, without a monitoring system,

t means that they cannot rule over the country of China.

It is no longer a normal country. In case

Under such circumstances, if President Trump cannot set the flag of a cause as a democratic country, it can only set the flag of the values that Japan should aim for.

We must strengthen the foundation of the country of Japan so that we can become such a country. In case

It is a time to realize the amendment of the constitution and to express the spirit of self-reliance as a nation, in order to stand at the forefront of protecting democracy, law, human freedom, human rights and so on.
