文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

an era of confrontation with totalitarian states based on abysmal evil and plausible lies,

2022年03月20日 22時09分51秒 | 全般

The chapter I wrote on 2021-06-22 titled "It is an undeniable fact that despicable and cowardly opportunism has always brought the world to the brink of ruin.
It should be re-read not only by the Japanese people but also by people worldwide.
Preamble omitted.
*Nikkei is a newspaper that seems to criticize China but is actually flattering China.
It is long past time for all Japanese citizens to realize that a newspaper that does not write about the Senkaku Islands calls itself the Nihon Keizai Shimbun is the core of Japan's postwar problems. 
The time has come for all Japanese to realize that this is the core of Japan's postwar problems.
The fact that the Nikkei is, in fact, a newspaper completely under Chinese manipulation is evident from the fact that it refers to the Senkaku Islands (the Chinese name for the Diaoyu Islands).
It is evident that the reporter who wrote this editorial has not subscribed to Nozomu Ishii's magnum opus, "Senkaku Refutation Manual: 100 Questions", a scholar who truly deserves to be a graduate of Kyoto University.
What a shameful thing to say. At first glance, it appears to be an editorial criticizing China, but at heart, it is a traitor's editorial that is sympathetic to China. As a Japanese, you should be ashamed of yourself. 
Mr. Xi repeats, "The world is amidst a once-in-a-century primary change phase.
*Even Xi Jinping says so; the situation that created the United Nations is over. 
Japan, the U.S., and Europe must form a new international organization as soon as possible, an alliance of nations built on freedom and democracy.
The world has entered an era of confrontation with totalitarian states based on abysmal evil and plausible lies, but we must destroy them.
It is a problem that a grade school student can solve that all moralists must stand up for the destruction of the totalitarian state because totalitarianism is the exact opposite of morality.
The media such as Asahi Shimbun and NHK have continuously attacked Japan, the most moral country in the world since the dawn of history, and have supported China and South Korea.
The so-called intellectuals represented by the Science Council of Japan, the so-called human rights lawyers, and the so-called civic groups are so stupid that they do not even realize that they are in a be-humiliated situation that makes sweat pour out their faces. *
With the new Corona, U.S. hegemony is on shaky ground.
It is difficult for a single country to restrain China, which is trying to push its military and economic power claims.
Even China cannot bear the enormous cost of its revisionist behavior forever. 
It is difficult to choose between the endless escalation of division and confrontation.
*The editorialist who wrote this article is unaware that China and South Korea have been taking advantage of such seemingly straightforward, grating words.
The editorialist is unaware that Japan is already under China's thumb if such a person leads the editorial.
The only way to convince countries like China and South Korea of this is force and a stern attitude.
They are entirely unaware of this.
This editorial is nothing more than kindergarten logic.
This reporter should read the editorial I wrote in rage when the Wuhan virus struck.
The editorials help Xi Jinping the most when they give up in their foolish minds that his dictatorship will not collapse.
Despicable and cowardly opportunism has always brought the world to ruin. 


