文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Like communism, fascism and Nazism are also regimes founded on propaganda

2023年01月02日 16時25分45秒 | 全般
In light of this perspective, I tell the world today for the first time that it is a mistake to have viewed prewar Japan as fascist.
It is the chapter I sent out on November 29, 2016.
It was subjected to a criminal act of search and retrieval obstruction.
I am re-transmitting it.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but for people all over the world.
A friend contacted me after reading the chapter about Herbert Norman.
During our conversation, I said.
Somerset Maugham was a member of the British Secret Intelligence Service, so it is not surprising that Herbert Norman was a spy, controlled by communist forces..."
We have mentioned many times that Japan is a country without the CIA or FBI, which is unprecedented worldwide, but that is not the case with China and Korea.
History proved in the second half of the 20th century that communism is all about propaganda.
Like communism, fascism and Nazism are also regimes founded on propaganda.
From this point of view, I tell the world today for the first time that it is a mistake to regard prewar Japan as fascist.
It is because prewar Japan was not a country like China or Korea.
Prewar Japan (Japan heading into World War II) was simply a wartime regime state.

GHQ needed to make Japan look bad.
The media, led by the Asahi Shimbun, and so-called cultural figures have continued to believe the lies that were created and have continued to create the postwar attitude of the past 70 years.
From this point of view, the media, including Asahi Shimbun, and the so-called cultural figures, were a bunch of fools.
This article continues.

January 1, 2023, at Arashiyama
