文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In the end, Japanese feminists are nothing more than "Western-obsessed" women who admire the West

2021年05月01日 11時24分10秒 | 全般

The monthly magazines' WiLL and Hanada, which are now on sale, are filled with genuine articles and editorials. And yet, the price is only 950 yen (including consumption tax).
A friend of mine who is an avid reader is fond of saying that "nothing is as cheap as a book," and both magazines demonstrate that this is true.
Every Japanese citizen should go to the nearest bookstore right now to subscribe.
The genuine editorials and articles in both journals are a must-read for the Japanese and people worldwide.
I have been letting people around the world know as much as I can through this column.
Japan is a country where the turntable of civilization is turning along with the United States. Japan is a country that has to lead the world for the next 170 years, along with the United States.
It is only natural that the world's best papers are being published day and night in Japan. 
Until July 2010, when this column appeared, it had not disseminated these papers to the world at all.
It is what makes today's world so unstable and extremely dangerous.
I did not know until August seven years ago that there are many leftist pedophiles with a masochistic view of history among those who graduated from Tokyo University and Kyoto University.
They are the most foolish people who have diminished Japan's national power and, as a result, have contributed to the evil of China.
Why are people like them being mass-produced? 
Most of them are children of middle to wealthy upper-middle-class families.
Both parents are well-educated, they are subscribers to the Asahi Shimbun, and they watch NHK news programs in their living rooms.
Since they were children, they have only taken courses to go on to the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University.
Most of them must have attended cram schools from a young age.
They are not the ones like me, who played all kinds of games and swam in rivers and oceans in the summer.
They are not the ones like me, who played all kinds of games and swam in rivers and oceans in the summer. In other words, most of them did not play around with their childhood friends.
In this chapter, I would like to share with the Japanese people and the rest of the world the thesis of Ms. Kumiko Takeuchi, a real scholar (animal behavior researcher) who deserves to have studied at Kyoto University.
I was a subscriber to the Asahi Shimbun until August seven years ago, and I had never even heard of her. It is a terrible story.
I have already mentioned that I have a great deal of respect for her.

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Females Are Stronger in the Animal World 
In recent years, there have been calls for a "gender-free" society, one that is not bound by the division of roles based on gender.
Recently, FamilyMart's private brand of side dishes, "Mom's Restaurant," has been bearing the brunt of the gender-free movement.
It all started when three high school students who participated in a program to think about gender equality started a signature campaign asking Famima to change the brand name, saying, "If we don't change the name, we will instill in society the sense that it is natural for 'mothers' to prepare meals.
Although the signature drive failed, it was a glimpse of the world becoming gender-free.
It sounds politically correct at first glance, but biologically it is impossible because the logic is entirely different between males and females.
The main principle of animals is that the female chooses the male. 
Once a mammalian female becomes pregnant, there is a gestation and lactation period. While the child is suckling frequently, she does not come into estrus or ovulate, so she cannot have another child.
Only after the lactation period question is over does ovulation begin, and the next child is obtained.
It means that females are in a yearly cycle.
Males, on the other hand, ejaculate once and get another chance soon after.
He may or may not be able to have children, but he has plenty of chances.
If a male has many chances and a female does not have many chances, the female will want to leave as many "good quality children" as possible if she is going to have the same number of children.
Therefore, they choose their mates very strictly.
On the other hand, Males think that they can just hit a few and hope that one day they will be lucky.
In other words, in the animal world, females choose males, and females can't be oppressed.
It would be a big mistake, then, to lump the roles of females and males together. 
In the first place, ideas such as feminism and gender freedom were introduced from the West.
In Europe and the United States, women's rights are low from a religious point of view. There is a strong tendency for homosexuals to turn cold shoulders, and movements for discrimination against women and gender-free have begun to occur. 
To give an example between Japanese and American couples, husbands in American couples do not share their wives an allowance in many cases.
As a result, women are forced to work.
On the other hand, Japanese wives often manage their husbands' savings, and some of them even buy houses and cars with their husbands' money without permission.
In the end, Japanese feminists are nothing more than "Western-obsessed" women who admire the West.

