文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Politicians and bureaucrats who are soft on China are in a honey trap

2021年10月10日 11時36分19秒 | 全般

When I visited China as a bureaucrat, a beautiful Chinese civil servant came to my room alone.
Mr. Takahashi had mentioned on one occasion that he liked Hiroko Yakushimaru, and he was surprised to find someone who looked exactly like her.
It is a re-write of the chapter I sent out on May 01, 2020, with revised paragraphs and such.
A friend of mine, who is a voracious reader, told me that almost 100% of the people in the political, business, and speech circles in Japan who have visited China, not once but several times, have been caught in a honey trap. 
As soon as I searched for an English translation of the word "honey-trapped" in the sentence, an article popped up that proved that the chapter I had sent out was 100% correct.
The emphasis in the text, except for the headline, is mine.
Politicians and bureaucrats who are soft on China are in a honey trap.
Yoichi Takahashi
March 21, 2020
Honey traps are cost-effective 
Yoichi Takahashi's answer to Arimoto Kaoru's question on Toranomon News convinced the viewers.
Regarding the spread of the new coronavirus from Wuhan in China's Hubei Province, Arimoto Kaoru asked if Japan's response to China was too lax.
Yoichi Takahashi answered based on his own experience at the Ministry of Finance.
"It's because we are honey-trapped."
When I was a bureaucrat, a beautiful Chinese civil servant came to my room by herself during a visit to China.
Mr. Takahashi was surprised when he said that he had liked Hiroko Yakushimaru somewhere before because someone who looked exactly like her came.
Mr. Takahashi said. Perhaps China is trying to trick everyone.
He said it was "the best cost performance" than going to war.
Mr. Takahashi said
When my senior colleague went to China to work with his wife, I asked him a question, and he told me to be careful because it was dangerous, so I didn't fall for it, but if I hadn't heard that, I might have been in danger.
It is valid for government officials and newspaper reporters, who change when they go to China.
I still think it's a honey trap.
I think many people will fall for it, he said.
Ippei Ijima also made the following comments.
I heard that a politician, a member of the parliamentary abduction group, a very hardliner, went to China, returned, and changed overnight.
He didn't say who, though.
Mr. Takahashi said it was just his hypothesis, but the probability seems to be high.
It's not the same story, but I remember that Ms. Miki Otaka once wrote about the organ trafficking situation in China and said that the reason why politicians and prominent figures in the world are tolerant of China is that he, his family, and relatives have been donated organs and they are vulnerable to China.
Tomomi Shimizu, Uyghur oppression Twitter is also introduced.

