文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

But in some respects, they are even eviler than Xi Jinping.

2021年12月09日 12時34分55秒 | 全般

Florence Welch, the vocalist of Florence and the Machine, is one of those rare singers.
It is the chapter I published on March 02, 2021.
Earlier, I received a like from South Africa on Twitter.
Correct the writing style a little and re-send.
Florence Welch, the vocalist of Florence and the Machine, is one of those rare singers.
I was surprised when I was searching for her.
She is a cousin to Harry Sugiyama, a celebrity I had never seen before.
This Harry Sugiyama was the son of Henry Scott Stokes.
I was also surprised to learn that the family was from a prestigious British family.
Now let's return to the main subject.
Florence Welch's concert at the Alberta Hall in London embodies our culture and civilization.
It is the opposite of Xi Jinping and his China, which has proven to be the worst dictator and criminal in humankind's history and the stupid countries that follow him.
China's daily lives and the countries that follow it are the exact opposite of our everyday life.
What is the Chinese public?
Since the Tiananmen Square massacre, the Chinese people have been raised with Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education.
A people under the watchful eye of Xi Jinping, the worst criminal in the history of humankind, realized in the 21st century the surveillance society envisioned by Orwell.
Those who call themselves Han Chinese may only be a part of the surveillance society. Still, Tibetans, Uighurs, Inner Mongolians, and Falun Gong followers are under more genocide and ethnic oppression than the Nazis.
This concert has the essence of the daily life of the G7 countries.
It is a daily life that has nothing to do with the people of China and the countries that follow them.
The orchestra people accompanying the concert are chorusing along with the singers, looking supremely happy.
I had never seen such a scene before.
I guess it is because Florence Welch is so fantastic.
It is Xi Jinping who has made this routine all but impossible.
The Wuhan virus that he spread worldwide has drastically changed our daily lives.
*The following is a rough but current addition as of December 8, 2021.
China's official response to the U.S. formal announcement of a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics proved that China is a country of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies."
Every decent country in the world, except China and the countries that follow them out of poverty or stupidity, knows that what they are doing to the Uighurs and others is not just a violation of human rights but an ethnic genocide.
They know that what they have done to Hong Kong is suppressing freedom as a fundamental human right and a suppression of speech.
China called the criticism of each of these apparent facts "the lie of the century."
Here is a list of some of the lies of the century that China has perpetrated and the money they have got as a result.
They were burying their poison gas in the ground and claiming that it was the work of the Japanese military. 
They got the Japanese newspaper Asahi and others to report it widely. 
As a result, they got one trillion yen from the Japanese government.
In the case of the Nanjing Massacre, the Japanese government provided several trillion yen in the form of ODA. 
The list of technical assistance and cooperation is endless.
It is Global Warming with Canadian fraudsters Maurice Strong and Al Gore.
They got trillions of yen from Japan, claiming that China is a developing country.
With this money, China has built the worst military buildup in history.
With the lie of the century, "One World, One Road," China has trapped the world's developing nations in debt, turned them into dependents, and taken control of the United Nations.*
Not a single one of the opposition politicians of the Constitutional Democratic Party, mass media such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, so-called cultural figures, scholars, human rights lawyers, or civic groups have come forward to accuse Xi Jinping.
On the contrary, they attack us, the Japanese people, and the Japanese government.
They should be doubly and triply ashamed of themselves, especially former Kyoto University President Juichi Yamagiwa, a female professor certain Takagi in criminal law, and Keiichiro Hirano.
All of them continue to make shameless remarks, pretending that they are good citizens and (hilariously) the guardians of democracy.
But in some respects, they are even eviler than Xi Jinping.
They don't know it.
They don't know that there is no such thing as the gates of heaven for them.
The only one who knows where they are going is King Yama.
In other words, in the Sanzu River of hell, Yama is waiting for them with the same maximum torment for Xi Jinping.
They only feel good about it because they are not punished in this life.

Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out - Live at the Royal Albert Hall
