文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China has maneuvered the pseudo-moralists that inhabit the world.

2024年01月03日 08時29分04秒 | 全般

The article is clear proof that pseudo-moralists around the world were working as per Chinese propaganda and were manipulated.
January 04, 2023
The photo is from today's Sankei Shimbun.
What did China manipulate and why?
The article proves that pseudo-moralists around the world (primarily those who call themselves citizens) were easily manipulated and manipulated according to Chinese propaganda.

Here is my rough draft
Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, has made it clear that the Paris Conference on decarbonization, global warming, etc., was orchestrated by the Chinese and the Canadian international con man Maurice Strong.
China, described by its neighbors as "black-hearted" since ancient times, was plotting to seize global hegemony in the automobile and nuclear power industries.
Maurice was an unparalleled human resource.
Likewise, China knew that the media and so-called intellectuals in developed countries were prisoners of pseudo-moralism.
China is the worst communist one-party dictatorship in history, a country where propaganda is everything.
In China, truth, learning, art, and conscience are nothing.
Hegemony is everything in China.
Toyota = Japan's automobile industry. The Japanese automobile industry has conquered the world in terms of its technological prowess and sophistication.
China will never be able to compete with or beat Japan in automobiles powered by gasoline-powered internal combustion engines.
China and Maurice toyed with evil design, and the West, defeated by Toyota, jumped on the bandwagon.
China has maneuvered the pseudo-moralists that inhabit the world.
Deoxygenation, SDGs, and sustainability (no more ridiculous words because Japan has been a sustainable country since ancient times) were used as tools for China's manipulation.
This article is to inform you of the results of the (fabricated) movement created by Al Gore as a representative of the pseudo-moralists.
This article continues.
