文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

He openly despised Japan with a kindergarten-like philosophy

2022年06月21日 12時45分41秒 | 全般
The following is a rough draft.
It is no exaggeration to say that "When a favorable wind blows, set your sails full to the brim" represents all of the Chinese.
Successive Chinese dynasties lasted only a few hundred years at the most.
In addition, most of the history of the Han Chinese advocated by Xi Jinping is the history of repeated rule by different ethnic groups.
It is a clear fact that the so-called Dynastic cycle has been repeated.
The former rulers have been eradicated to their own families and clans each time.
The books of the administration from time to time have been burned repeatedly.
The Chinese people's characteristic brutality is the result of their history.
In this way, the ethnicity of the Chinese, who believed only in power and money, was created.
Fools who do not understand the actual situation of China and think that "Chinese people are good at making money" have no time to list all over the world.
Kissinger not only placed the Chinese above the Japanese but also had no shame in publicly declaring their ethnic characteristics as being in another way about Japan.
He openly despised Japan with a kindergarten-like philosophy that the Chinese could think in an integrated and universal way, but the Japanese could only think in a tribal category.
It is no exaggeration to say that he is the fool of the century.
It is no exaggeration to say that he is not only the fool but also the worst fool in history, who has unbelievably exacerbated the worst dictator in history and enslaved people in the worst nation in history.
Lu Xun, one of China's leading intellects, one of its greatest intellects, blackmailed the Chinese for their idiosyncrasies as enslaved people.
The Chinese had no such thing as normalcy.
It is a people who had no conception of peace, tranquility, or kindness.
A favorable wind seldom blows.
So, when a favorable wind blows, set your sails full to the brim, and push forward without looking aside, which is the only philosophy the Chinese have.
In China, companies go out of business after three generations.
In China, a company will fail after three generations, and it is rare for a company to last for more than three generations.
In Japan, on the other hand, countless companies have lasted not only for three generations but for 10 or 20 generations.
It is no exaggeration to say that a fool like Henry Kissinger is a rarity in the history of humankind.
This article continues.


