文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

NHK's cheap propaganda.

2023年06月27日 10時34分50秒 | 全般

Kohyu Nishimura
NHK's cheap propaganda.
One hundred thirty trillion yen annually in LGBT-related goods is an economic impact and one-sidedly lifts LGBT people.
Trans character Budweiser's commercials have caused outrage and boycotts, and their No. 1 sales number has plummeted.
The company mentions this but is basically pro-LGBT.
Sex goods have always been considerable sellers, to begin with.
And the line between it and pink money is blurred.

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NHK International Report
Pink money" is a term used to describe the money and purchasing power of LGBTQ and other sexual minorities in the U.S. It amounts to 130 trillion yen annually. There is a growing movement in the U.S. to capture this "pink money," estimated to be 130 trillion yen annually.
#International Report 2023 BS1 10:00pm https://nhk.jp/p/kokusaihoudou/ts/8M689W8RVX/episode/te/WXX286V1Y2/?cid=bs22hk-tw-230626-2...

