文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

What is needed today is for good people to unite and restore the nation's morality

2024年07月14日 17時39分55秒 | 全般

The following book was recommended by a friend, one of the best readers.
Masahiro Miyazaki is a researcher and writer who is arguably the Tadao Umesao of today.
I glanced at his latest work and found that this is one of his best books.
It is one of the best books he has ever written.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but for people all over the world.

In this column, I will only introduce the blurb on the obi of this book and the text on the first page.

The whole world is full of bad guys!
Good-bye to "good neighborliness" and "all-round diplomacy! 

A modern version of the Civil War has begun in the U.S. 
The tradition of Russia, an excellent assassination power, is to "eliminate the traitor." 
Thinking about the unification of Taiwan by simulation of a superior policy, a middle policy, and an inferior policy 
Let's invade "the most livable country in the world, Japan" by immigration! 
No other country is as vicious as China, a new form of conspiracy
China and Russia are not the only virtual enemies of Japan. The U.S. is also a potential enemy.
Weird and mysterious events around the world
International Politics, Universal Logic
Recommendations for Evil 
Masahiro Miyazaki

It is not benevolence, faith, or virtue that moves the world
It is military power and information power that moves the world.
Japan, the good-natured country / For God's sake, wake up!
Why has the U.S. fallen so far?
The next hegemony that ambitious men (Xi Jinping and Putin) are aiming for
China's trap of advancing the plot of Sun Tzu
The world is a whole of evil. Be aware of this; you are an uninitiated Japanese person.
The world's common sense is that all countries except one's own are potential enemies or rivals.
Alliances" are only temporary ties of convenience.

Politics is ruthless, and when emotions creep in, it isn't easy to have proper politics.
Politics is a deadly business, to begin with.
The real politician plans a grand national policy for the next 100 years and strives to achieve that ideal step by step.
Politicians do not fear assassination.
They are never cowardly. 
Political opponents can be eliminated by assassination, by conspiracy to unseat them, or by convicting them in a trial based on a fake story.
Russia is a prime example of this.
It is a mirror of the very logic of evil.

No country is more vicious than China.

Even if they are alone, the bad guys are considered the bad guys and have a unifying nature. By contrast, the good guys are isolated and on the sidelines, lest they be called the party of good. Therefore, the bad guys always have the upper hand. What is needed today is for good people to unite and restore the nation's morality with courage and confidence.            
Yasushi Masahiro.
Keynote speech delivered at the Japan Council's inaugural meeting on April 2, 1974.

