文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

This essay also proves that he is the most deserving of the Nobel Prize in Literature or

2024年08月02日 12時22分06秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of "The Japanese army did not join in the plundering, which is a historical fact. - 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization (goo.ne.jp)"
Translating Takayama Masayuki's paper into English and making it known to the world is part of my work, which I consider my life's work for the second half.
This essay also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
This essay also proves that he is the most deserving of the Nobel Prize in Literature or the Peace Prize.
As Prime Minister Abe and other avid readers of his essays from all walks of life are already aware, his unique essays are always the best works in the world, honed under the constraints of having to write the best essays possible within a limited space.

The Tragedy of the Maya
Take the Maya, for example.
Their culture was alive with advanced architecture and astronomy.
Today, however, not even a glimpse of this culture has survived.
The Mayans were now living in the jungles on the Guatemalan border, practicing slash-and-burn agriculture, but recently, they established several villages as part of their resettlement policy. 
I once interviewed a girl who looked almost Japanese in a village near Chiapas. 
In the 16th century, the Spanish invaded, killing many Mayans and raping women.
Her ancestors fled into the jungle and protected their Mayan blood for the next five hundred years.
They were pure Maya.
She "hated" her ancestors.
If she had not fled and her ancestors had been raped by the Spanish, she would have been a mestizo with white blood.
"If I had, I could have gone down to the city and gone to the Hard Rock Café in Mexico City with impunity," she said.
I consoled her that it was okay to be yellow, but it didn't seem to comfort her. 
The interpreter for this interview was a mestizo with very strong Caucasian blood. 
After the interview, he said with a deep sigh, "Even us good mestizos," he said.
"When a baby is born, we often worry about it."
Even the best mestizos have some percentage of Mayan blood in them.
It comes out at any given moment, like a reincarnation.
If you have strong Indio blood in your face, you won't be able to go to a good school or get a good job.
She told me that the Hard Rock Café would not let her in if she looked even slightly Indian.
The Maya, with its glorious culture, has been destroyed, and the descendants of its people even show aversion to being Maya. 
I actually heard a similar story when I was a correspondent in Tehran.
The sister of a cab driver who came in and out of the bureau gave birth.
His assistant, Maswood, said, "I see. What color was it?" he asked immediately.
The driver happily replied, "White."
The assistant then asked again if it was a boy or a girl. 
When I asked him if it was a boy or a girl, he replied, "It's hard for you to answer, but Iran is an Aryan nation, and the name of the country comes from there. However, after the defeat of Sasanian Persia at the Battle of Nahavand, it was ruled by the pale black Arabs."
It means that a little bit of blood of Arabs, whom they despise, was introduced into the country.
Then, in the 13th century, Kublai Khan's younger brother Prag invaded and founded the Ilkhanate.
Their rule lasted over 100 years, but "it was during this time that the Mongols thoroughly polluted the Persian blood."
The expression "polluting the blood" was a bit puzzling, but essentially, Aryan peoples mixed with Mongoloid blood.
The phrase "blood-stained" caught me a bit, but the point is that the Aryan race was mixed with Mongol blood.
It appears from time to time.
A yellow child with narrow eyes is born.
Same as the mestizo interpreter.
So when a baby is born, the first thing they ask is the color. 
When I asked him if there were actually such cases, he nodded.
Their families discriminate against them, and they have no decent job opportunities or good marriages.
"In Iran, the lowest occupation is that of a baker. They bake bread in a charcoal pot. It is known for being hot, hard, and low-paid. Most of its artisans can be recognized at a glance as descendants of the Prag". 
Even among the same Iranians, hatred, and discrimination arise over the blood of the conquerors.
When it is a minority interest, it ends up being a minor prejudice. 
Still, when it is on a larger scale, it is easy to imagine how it could cause problems for the unity and centripetal force of the nation.
Haiti is a good example.
The French built sugar and coffee plantations here with enslaved Black people.
However, it became unprofitable during Napoleon's reign and was abandoned. 
It became the first black nation to gain independence.
One would think that the oppressed condition of the enslaved people would have been a springboard for solid unity. 
Still, from its establishment to the present day, Haitians have been killing each other in unbelievably brutal ways. 
The reason is that about 30% of the population is of mixed race or mulatto, and they are proud of their white blood, revere their homeland, France, and have adopted French as their national language.
The French also provided them with education and other benefits.
They look down on the pure blacks even though they look the same, and that is why they conflict with each other.
There is no movement to unite and protest against the selfishness of whites and to make them atone for the history of slave colonies. 
Rape is not an incidental act of plunder.
Rape has the destructive power to deprive a people of its pure blood and thereby destroy it like the Maya or bring about eternal chaos like Haiti. 
In the last war, the Soviet army, composed of Slavs and Tatars, took the initiative in forcing its soldiers to commit rape when they crossed the Elbe River into German territory.
Antony Beever's "Diary of the End of the War in Berlin" provides a detailed account of this, but approximately 2 million women were raped by Soviet troops throughout Germany. 
It is often cited that at Dahlem House, a convent that also served as a maternity hospital, all nuns, from pregnant women to their accompanying women, were raped.
The Soviet army actually did the very thing that the British had hoaxed about the rape of maternity homes during World War I. 
The best data are available for Berlin, where 130,000 people were raped, of which 92,000 were treated in the city's two hospitals.
Of these, 20,000 were illegally pregnant, many underwent abortions, and about 2,000 gave birth.

Japanese Purity
The U.S. troops stationed in Japan were also the first to demand women.
As a bulwark of sexuality, women from Hanamachi areas literally volunteered to play with U.S. soldiers. 
In Burma and Singapore, Japanese comfort stations were seized by the Allied Forces and continued to be used for Allied soldiers.
However, the comfort stations provided by the Japanese government were not enough for the U.S. soldiers who entered Japan.
They broke into ordinary private homes and scavenged for women.
It was the same with the soldiers of Chiang Kai-shek's army.
In some cases, family members who tried to reprimand the American soldiers who had broken into their homes were assaulted and even killed.
The number of Japanese killed during the U.S. occupation reached 2,536 (according to the Procurement Agency), many of which involved such rapes. 
Mark Gain, a correspondent for the Chicago Sun who came to Japan during this period, wrote in his "Nippon Diary" that "the Japanese tried to resist the Allied occupation using women as weapons."
Rarely have journalists been so arrogant and shameless. 
It is an accurate picture of their war. 
Japan, however, fought a completely different war from theirs.
As mentioned above, they did not retaliate brutally, and the Japanese had eliminated from the war both plunder and rape, which they were used to. 
Retreating from the Shanghai Incident to Nanjing, Chiang Kai-shek's troops broke into private homes, took what they could, raped, set fires, and fled, just as they had done at the aforementioned Jinzhou City. 
After the fall of Nanjing, Chiang Kai-shek's army fled to the Jiujiang River on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, where they encamped, as described in Tatsuzo Ishikawa's "The Wuhan Operation."
They seized homes on the Jiujiang River and took the liberty of procuring food, leaving the residents to become refugees in their cities. 
When Japanese forces approached here, Chiang Kai-shek's army broke the levee of the Yangtze River, flooded the city, and sprinkled cholera bacteria in the wells to escape.
The Japanese did quarantine and repairs to the levees. 
The Asahi Shimbun newspaper published a picture of Japanese soldiers marching into Nanking after them, smiling and holding chickens bought from farmers.
For a long time, this picture was displayed at the 300,000 Massacre Memorial Hall in Nanjing as "a picture of Japanese soldiers plundering chickens. 
They believed that it was natural for them to plunder the chickens.
The Asahi Shimbun, which provided the photo, kept quiet about it for a long time.
However, it became clear that this was not the case, and in December 2007, the 70th anniversary of the Nanjing Incident, they secretly removed this photo. 
The behavior of the Japanese people is beyond their comprehension. 
This article continues.

2024/7/30 in Onomichi


