文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

We passionately support the Japanese Conservative Party, a heartfelt shout of devotion.

2023年10月30日 16時46分16秒 | 全般

The following is from a unique feature published in the monthly magazine Hanada, released on October 26, titled "We passionately support the Japanese Conservative Party, a heartfelt shout of devotion.''

The unavoidable Yamato spirit
Birei Kin
The launch of the Japanese Conservative Party is good news at a time when the world was in a gloomy mood due to the coronavirus pandemic and the assassination of Prime Minister Abe.  
What's more, it's reassuring to know that the people who started it were Mr. Hyakuta and Mr. Arimoto, whom I have known for a long time.
On the other hand, I was also worried about which people would join the Japanese Conservative Party.  
How much will the current degenerate Japanese people respond? I thought it would be a touchstone for predicting Japan's future, but when I heard that nearly 50,000 party members had already gathered,
I was relieved, thinking, "There are still so many people worried about Japan.''  
I can understand their frustration with Japan right now.  
Even though Japan is the best country in the world in terms of overall scores, we have been complaining that Japan has not been doing what it should be doing since the death of Shinzo Abe.  
There is no denying that the Liberal Democratic Party contributed significantly to rebuilding Japan after the war.
However, the current Japanese politicians, including Prime Minister Kishida, do not have a strong presence as leaders.  
As a leader of a country, you must shine brightly.
While some criticized Shinzo Abe, many people like me passionately supported him.  
It is unfortunate for the world that we do not have a leader like Shinzo Abe with a strong presence who can attract many people.  
Now, America, which used to be the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world, is acting like that, and even Japan is losing momentum, and the world is just going into decline.  
It is truly admirable that Mr. Hyakuta was concerned about such a situation, felt motivated, and stood up for himself.
Starting something, not just a new party, and running it requires energy and gathering people.
It also costs a considerable amount of money.  
Mr. Hyakuta has become a successful writer and is in a position where he doesn't have to work hard anymore, but he dared to shoulder everything on his shoulders and start a new party.  
I believe the Japanese Conservative Party will bring an excellent stimulus to Japan, which is currently without a leader.  
"The unavoidable Yamato spirit."
I realized these words.

Walking together from History Day
Japan is currently in a crisis of national survival.  
Across the East China Sea, communist China, under dictator Xi Jinping, is moving forward on a path of military expansion and expansion.
While preparing to invade Taiwan, they also set their sights on Japan's unique territory, the Senkaku Islands and islands in the South China Sea.
Just as the flames of war suddenly descended on peaceful Ukraine, the threat from the Chinese Empire is approaching Japan day by day.
More than 1,300 years after the Battle of Baekgang, Japan is again threatened by mainland China and is facing a crisis in its survival.  
There is also a crisis domestically.
Seventy-eight years after the end of the war, the "peace constitution" imposed by GHQ still binds the Japanese people and even suppresses the nation's instinct for self-defense.
In contrast, the Liberal Democratic Party, founded with "constitutional reform" as its party policy, has not made any progress towards its goal.  
On the other hand, the "liberal ideology" and "leftist education" that has continued to spread since the war have robbed the Japanese of their ethnic pride and sense of the nation, destroying their traditional values and their spiritual foundation.
Some groups have now set their target on the imperial family, which forms the core of Japanese national unity, and are attempting to overturn Japan's ancient national polity fundamentally.  
Japan is waiting to see whether it will be destroyed by an external threat or an attack from within.  
Amid such a national and ethnic crisis, the Japanese Conservative Party was founded by two private citizens, Mr. Naoki Hyakuta and Ms. Kaori Arimoto, solely wanting to save the nation and ethnic group from the crisis. 
Immediately after recruiting party members began, more than 47,000 people (as of October 17) gathered under the banner.  
It proves that many Japanese people share a sense of crisis regarding the current situation in Japan, and at the same time, with the formation of the Japanese Conservative Party, a glimmer of light is shining on the way to overcome the crisis in our country. It shows.  
That's why I would like to support the Japanese Conservative Party strongly.
From the historic day of October 17, the official founding of the party, let's walk together with the Japanese Conservative Party and face the crisis in Japan together with the Japanese Conservative Party!

How to become the center of a shaky situation
Yoichi Takahashi
As of this writing, the Japanese Conservative Party already has nearly 50,000 members.
Moreover, they are not ghost members of a scheme like the Liberal Democratic Party, but they have joined the party voluntarily.
The party fee for the Japanese Conservative Party is 6,000 yen, which is 2,000 yen more expensive than the Liberal Democratic Party, but the reason why it has so many members is probably because so many people are disappointed in the current Liberal Democratic Party.  
I was surprised when Mr. Hyakuta launched the Japanese Conservative Party.
Ever since Hyakuta-san declared in June, "If the LGBT bill is passed, I will launch a conservative political party," I've been wondering to myself, "When will Hyakuta-san say, "I'm going to quit after all.".
However, the LGBT bill was enacted, and Mr. Hyakuta followed his words.  
Some people may have a harsh view of the Japanese Conservative Party as to whether it will be able to win seats, but depending on its strategy, it can find a way out.  
If a new political party were to become the eye of the typhoon, the easiest thing to do would be to nominate candidates for local mayoral elections and win them.
Local council members have a weak impact, so the target is the head of a reasonably large municipality.
Nippon Ishin no Kai gained momentum after becoming the head of Osaka Prefecture and Osaka city.  
The next most straightforward thing to do is the House of Councilors election, where at least one candidate can get through on a proportional basis.
The House of Representatives election is the most difficult, but it is the closest in terms of schedule.  
I don't know what strategy the Japanese Conservative Party will use.
Maybe they'll dare to walk down a thorny path.  
Mr. Hyakuta asked me, "Mr. Takahashi, run for office!" but my family's motto states that "if I engage in political activity, I will get divorced," so I will definitely not run (lol).  
However, when asked about economic policy, I can offer advice such as, "This is what Prime Minister Abe would do."  
Mr. Hyakuta is a man of public morals, so he probably wanted to help Japan at the end of his life.
Mr. Hyakuta and I are the same age, but I am very impressed with his vitality.
As friends of the same age, I would like to support our friendship behind the scenes.

