文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is why Jews and Arabs have always hated each other even though they are both Semites.

2021年08月18日 15時43分31秒 | 全般

The following is from the serial column of Masayuki Takayama, who brings the weekly Shincho released today to a successful conclusion.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people around the world.
Iranian meddling
Abraham's wife Sarah was barren and had no children. 
At the age of 75, Sarah encouraged her husband to take the female slave Hagar into his arms, and the woman eventually gave birth to Ismael. 
God, on a whim, conceived Sarah at the age of 90, and Isaac was born. 
God loved Isaac, and his descendants became the Jews. 
His half-brother Ismael became the founder of the Arabs. 
There was a subtle rift here, even though they were of the same Semitic tribe. 
Only Isaac was mentioned in the New Testament, which tells the life story of the Jewish Jesus. 
The Arab Muhammad's Koran, on the contrary, spoke only of Ismael.
Muslims are supposed to go to the Zamzam spring and drink its water after touring the black stones of the Kaaba in Mecca. 
The fountain that springs out of the desert when Hagar and the young Ismael, who Sarah has snarled, die of thirst is Zamzam.
It is why Jews and Arabs have always hated each other even though they are both Semites. 
In the heyday of Islam, they conquered Jerusalem and built the Dome of the Rock, an Islamic temple on Solomon's Hill, a holy place for Jews. 
The Jews were left with only the Western Wall of that hill, which the world calls the "Western Wall.
After the last war, the United Nations divided the land of Palestine and allowed the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel on one side. 
The Arabs were angry. The Arabs were angry, saying, "Don't let the Jews establish a Jewish state on the land we took. 
From the day after establishing the State of Israel, Arab countries such as Syria and Iraq attacked Israel. 
After four battles over about 30 years, both sides have grown tired of the situation and are now stalemate. 
When you think about it, they are Semitic people with the same blood flowing through their veins.
Recently, the animosity between the two sides has waned, and both Saudi Arabia and Egypt have chosen to make peace with Israel. 
However, a country is agitating from the side, saying that such a reconciliation is not acceptable and must destroy Israel. 
It is Iran, the land of Persians.  
They are of Aryan descent and are of the same race as the Greeks, but their religion is not the gods of Olympus but the teachings of the Persian prophet Zoroaster. 
In the holy book "Avesta," there is a description of "when evil spreads, a virgin conceives, and a savior is born, who defeats evil and establishes the Millennial Kingdom" or "the Last Judgment. 
Zoroastrianism also influenced the peoples of the Middle East, and the Jews trapped in Babylon wrote down Judaism (the Old Testament) using the Avesta as a basis. 
Christianity, which was born out of Judaism, more explicitly speaks of the resurrection of the Messiah from the virgin birth of Mary. 
Islam pulls it all together and has both Moses and Jesus in it. 
To the Zoroastrian Persians, Islam looks like a cute grandchild religion. 
At this time, Ayatollah Khomeini wanted to denounce the Islamic world as the original family and defeat Israel's enemy. 
So he indoctrinated the Arabs with Iranian-style jihad. 
It is the export of the so-called revolution. 
In layman's terms, "if you martyr yourself, you will go to heaven where 72 beautiful blondes await you" (AP), and the bereaved family will receive "a substantial pension. 
That was enough to inspire young Arabs to line up to become suicide bombers. 
Iran provided the necessary equipment for suicide bombings and pensions for the bereaved families, and now half of the national budget is used for operations against Israel. 
But Persians are not Muslims.
They love drinking and adultery. 
They don't even hate Jews.
At the upcoming Olympics, an exiled Iranian judo athlete and an Israeli athlete were chatting and laughing. 
However, the Iranian government continues to overspend government funds in its quest for the pinnacle of Islam.
The people have turned their backs on it. Most of them abstained from voting in the upcoming presidential election. 
The Arabs, on the other hand, are fed up with the strangers who meddle in their affairs and bring in suicide bombers. 
In such a situation, NHK announcer Kenjiro Toyohara counted Iran as an "Arab country" at the opening ceremony of the Olympics. 
It was a rare example of all parties involved pulling a face.



