文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the Asahi Shimbun and its employees, who are nothing but traitors to the country,

2021年05月26日 09時31分47秒 | 全般

But people can't cope with surprises when their health is terrible. The prime minister must have been putting all his energy into keeping up with his schedule. It was then that the harsh voice of those who disrupted the schedule sounded.
It is the chapter I sent out on 2020-08-28.
Now, in Japan, NHK and others (probably the Asahi Shimbun, etc. are the flag-waving role) are saying with corona and so on.
If you read the following genuine article by Mr. Lin Jianliang, you will shudder to realize the reality that they are reporting for China and in favor of China.
It will also make you shudder to realize that China is a terrible country.
In the untrustworthy China paper chapter, you will shudder to realize that President Trump was not wrong about the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine. 
The mass media and NHK, etc., reported that President Trump was terrible as if he were a big idiot.
When I came home from work today, I found that the stock market had plummeted.
I wondered if it was Prime Minister Abe's health or something in China.
I searched the Internet to find out what was going on, but nothing came up.
Then I turned on the TV, watched NHK, and saw that Prime Minister Abe had announced his resignation.
A few moments later, I saw a live broadcast of Prime Minister Abe entering the Prime Minister's Office.
All of Japan has been notified that Prime Minister Abe will hold a press conference at 5:00.
Prime Minister Abe announced his resignation due to the worsening of his intractable disease known to all Japanese people.
Nevertheless, the female reporter called out in a high-pitched voice that Prime Minister Abe had announced his resignation was just as bad.
This morning, a friend of mine called me about an advertisement at the bottom of the Nikkei newspaper.
She informed me that there was an ad for a book written by Mochizuki Kinplako, the worst low-class reporter in the history of the Tokyo Shimbun, titled "Why has Japanese journalism collapsed?
I said. Mochizuki, it's none other than you.
My friend looked to see who would publish such a book. 
It is Kodansha.
I see.
I guess the idiotic female reporter mentioned above was Mochizuki Kinshitsuko or something similar.
Today's stock market plunge (as if a local war between the U.S. and China had broken out) proved what a great prime minister Abe was.
I was worried about Prime Minister Abe as I realized that he was pretty exhausted.
It was the case on August 6, when, at the end of a press conference during his attendance at the Hiroshima A-bomb memorial service, a reporter from the Asahi Shimbun, ignoring prior notice, uttered an outrageous attitude and tone of voice in which a single newspaper reporter reprimanded the prime minister.
I'm sure Deputy Prime Minister Aso or Taro Kono would have gone to bat for him, or if the Prime Minister were an average person, he would have warned him immediately.
But people are not able to respond to surprise when their health is terrible. 
The prime minister must have been concentrating all his energy on keeping up with his schedule. 
At such a time, the harsh voice of those who disrupted his schedule rang out.
It was a reporter from the Asahi Shimbun. 
This newspaper should have ceased publication immediately and compensated Japan for the enormous damage due to its anti-Japanese fake reporting.
As I have mentioned many times, a politician who is arguably the greatest politician of all time, recognized by world leaders, a great politician who charmed the world as a witty gentleman, works for 147 days without a break for his country true nationalist and then falls ill.
On the other hand, the Asahi Shimbun and its employees, who are nothing but traitors to the country, live happily ever after.
It is the most infuriating thing I have ever seen.

