文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Having made so much unjustified money, Korea was not satisfied.

2022年10月07日 14時00分19秒 | 全般

Many Japanese citizens are unaware of the majority of the facts that this chapter reveals.
And more recently, Sweden has had Alexis Dudden, who is nothing more than a South Korean agent, appear on national T.V. to deliver an indescribably rude and vicious attack on Shinzo Abe on the national broadcaster regarding Mr. Abe's state funeral.

After reading the following chapter during a difficult night of sleep a few nights ago, I was convinced that I was right about the truth of the Abe assassination and about the existence of the person or persons who had committed the crime, which had crossed my mind immediately after the incident.
I will describe this later.

No need for sincerity in Korea, a country that avenges compassion
If they impose grudges of resentment, think of an Olympics without Koreans.
Korea's Independence Day, which stirs resentment in Koreans  
Korea was given independence by the US
MacArthur could have had any day he wanted, but he went out of his way to make Korea independent on August 15, 1948, the day of Japan's surrender.
Everything this man did was insidious and did not attempt to hide his racial prejudice and vengeance.
The prosecution of a class A war criminal on the birthday of Emperor Showa and the execution of a death penalty on the birthday of His Majesty the Emperor, who was the Crown Prince, are good examples of this.  
The reason why Korea's Independence Day coincided with Japan's anniversary of the end of the war was to remind Koreans of Japanese domination every year and to arouse national resentment and hatred of Japan.
The Koreans fell right into this scheme and are still making fresh frenzies of hatred.
The first Korean to go mad with resentment was the first president, Syngman Rhee.
Before his return, the peninsula was taken care of by Japan. 
Japan laid roads and railroads, and the hygienic environment they now boast about, such as the K quarantine, was also created by Japan. 
However, after Japan's defeat in the war, no one gave them money anymore.
Up to 80% of the national wealth was public and private property left by Japan. 
Then, they should have worked as the Japanese had taught them, but as before the war, Syngman Rhee only thought of sponging off from Japan.
He came up with participating in the peace conference with Japan as a member of the Allied Powers and taking money under the guise of wartime compensation. 
MacArthur, however, told him, "You are neither a victor nor a defeated nation. You are just a third country."
So Seung-man Lee decided to sponge Japan on his own.
On February 8, 1952, he established the Syngman Rhee Line, which extended over Korea's territorial waters without permission. 
With this line, he took Takeshima Island, captured Japanese fishing boats that came to fish there and began detaining their crews.
Using this as a springboard for extortion, Syngman Rhee visited Japan on January 6 of the following year and demanded that Shigeru Yoshida pay a ransom for the fishermen and compensation for the colonial rule. 
Yoshida chastised Rhee for his outrageous behavior and turned him away, refusing to visit Korea in return for the president's visit to Japan. 
Angered, Lee proceeded to capture a total of 233 fishing vessels and detained 2,791 fishermen.
474 Koreans in Japan criminals were released.  
The detention facilities were so poor that five of the detained fishermen died.
When Yoshida learned of this, he was furious. He told the South Koreans that the first step toward severing diplomatic relations was to close the Korean legation in Japan, arrest illegal Korean residents in retaliation, and use force to remove Korean vessels that had come to Japan to capture Japanese fishing boats.
Seung-man Lee was so horrified that he cried out to the U.S. and hurriedly drafted the Japan-U.S.-Korea Friendship and Security Treaty, forcing the U.S. to check Japan.
The Cabinet of Ichiro Hatoyama, who replaced Yoshida, was incompetent and always favored friendship in everything.
They retracted Yoshida's hard-line policy, saying that consideration for the other country was important, and accepted the mutual exchange of prisoners of war arrangement that the ROK had put forward. 
It means that the Korean side has released the Japanese fishermen detained. In contrast, the Japanese side has removed all the smuggled Koreans detained in the Omura Camp and 474 major Korean criminals in Japan who are in prison for murder and other crimes. In addition, Japan was forced to make a unilateral concession to release the prisoner with a residence permit.
Hatoyama agreed to this and also added the compassionate renunciation of all national and private property left on the peninsula. 
That was 7 trillion yen at the time.
That was enough money to start a whole country, more than the national budget of Israel at the time of its founding.
Korea became a wealthy nation. 
Having made so much unjustified money, Korea was not satisfied.
Park Chung-hee, who became president in the 1960s, had a natural talent for taking advantage of Japanese goodwill.
He could attend free elementary school and teacher's college, courtesy of the Japanese.
That was enough for him, but when he was in his mid-twenties, he applied writing in blood to attend a military academy. 
The Japanese are susceptible to such feigned enthusiasm.
They were fooled into giving Park special admission to the Manchukuo Military Academy.  
When Park became president after the Korean War, he demonstrated his Japanese maneuvering skills to the fullest.
This article continues.

