文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Furthermore, September 12, 2019 emerged as the day of suspicion. 

2021年09月01日 14時09分44秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
'Corona exists' in September '19 
As for the timing of the outbreak, the U.S. report put it around August-September 2019, concluding that a total of 9,308 athletes from 109 countries gathered in Wuhan and took advantage of the 2019 Military World Games, held on October 18, to spread around the world. 
In fact, as of September of the same year, the CPC government had discovered the existence of a new coronavirus. In fact, as early as September of the same year, the CCP government was aware of the 'new coronavirus' and was on alert, as evidenced by the information I gathered last year. 
On September 18, Hubei's official media reported that it had conducted at the customs office of Wuhan Tianhe International Airport on the assumption that a case of the new coronavirus had been detected. 
Furthermore, "September 12, 2019" emerged as the "day of suspicion. 
The U.S. report stated that between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m., the database containing pathogen samples and genetic information of more than 22,000 bats and rats collected by the Wuhan Institute for Virus Research suddenly disappeared. 
According to "The Legend of the Wuhan Virus Research Institute: A Year and a Half Cover-up by Chinese Authorities," published in the French investigative journal Mediapart on July 15, 2021, the "database disappeared" a few hours after Wuhan University gave "notice of the inspection" at midnight.
Wuhan University had been the subject of an inspection by a specialized committee of China's Ministry of Science and Technology (=province) since June of 2019. 
What does this mean?
Was there a "secret attempt and scheme" by another faction that President Xi Jinping did not grasp the full extent of?
Or did the U.S., Britain, France, and other countries detect the "mysterious movement in Wuhan" and form a special committee of the Ministry of Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to force the inspection of Wuhan University and the Wuhan Virus Research Institute? "The same article by Mediapart, which accuses the CCP government of "continuing to lie," states that, like the U.S. report, "a group of experts explained that a coronavirus was present in Wuhan in September 2019. 
Radio France Internationale (RFI) also reported (August 8, 2021) that Brilliance, too, was not correctly treating hazardous medical waste at the P4-level project dealing with the dangerous virus, that the wastewater treatment plant was closed on September 9, 2019.  It moved treatment to the neighboring Jiangxia plant. Less than two years after the P4 laboratory became operational, the waste treatment system and air conditioning system underwent "normally impossible" significant renovations.
This article continues.



