文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

'Ms. Fei-Fei Li Led Google's Return to China' and a person reported by Chinese media. 

2020年07月08日 23時00分53秒 | 全般

The following published in the monthly magazine WiLL, entitled 'Chinese Women at the Top of Twitter's A.I. Division' This is from a feature on Mr. Son Kobun and Ms. Moe Fukada.
Ms. Moe Fukada is a "National Treasure" as defined by Saicho.
It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the "supreme treasure" in the I.T. industry, making her a solitary struggle for Japan.
This article is a must-read for the people of Japan, but people all over the world.
The emphasis in the text, except for the headline, is mine.
The proliferation of "fake conservatives" on social media
Don't be fooled by China's '50 Cent Party' public opinion inducement!
The existence of the "50 Cent Party
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Reddening Twitter.
Recently, President Trump said on Twitter, "It's impossible for a postal vote not to be fraudulent. Mailboxes are taken away, and forms are forged, illegally printed, and fraudulently signed" (May 26). When he made his argument, Twitter warned him in this tweet, "Please check the facts," and they labeled it blue with a sentence.
*As readers know, I was not only defrauded by criminals in 2010 of a large sum of money, but I'm still suffering from even SEO attacks on the Internet. This criminal fabricated my company's rubber stamp and company seal as written evidence to the prosecutor's office. The computer this man used to forge was destroyed from the inside, and the prosecutor still proves it was a forgery it can't.  Despite the police's efforts, three criminal cases involving internet attacks took years to complete because It has been stopped at the prosecutor's office and has failed to make a case. It would be a daily occurrence for China and other intelligence agencies to fabricate signatures, etc. Trump's point is 100% correct.*
If you click on that label, U.S. media reports that "Trump's claims are unfounded." can be viewed.
President Trump is 'Twitter Company Stifling Free Speech' and interfering with the 2020 U.S. presidential The 'election' and is angry.
So it's interesting to note that on May 11, Google's appointed as an independent director of Twitter's is Feifei Li, the former chief scientist, and professor at Stanford University. 
She was at The Google Developer Convention in December 2017 held in Shanghai, officially announced of the ' Officially announced the opening of the 'Google A.I. China Research Center' in Beijing.
'Ms. Fei-Fei Li Led Google's Return to China' and a person reported by Chinese media. 
As a result of her mediation, Google partnered in the study of artificial intelligence with Tsinghua University, which is also Xi Jinping's alma mater, has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. The vice president said, "Under the central government's requirements, we will connect A.I. research to military applications. We will develop a national strategy of military-civilian integration and a national A.I. Strive to integrate the strategy tightly', he even stated so.
Twitter also announced in April 2016, to develop the market in China and Chen Kui, who has worked in the Chinese Communist Party's Liberation Army and the public security sector as general manager of the Chinese market.
She has such close ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army that she was named head of Twitter's A1 division. The reason for this is that the A.I. automatically removes falsehoods about the Wuhan virus circulating on Twitter. 
They're going to lump all information and tweets against China as "hoaxes" and erase them from the tweeters.
An A.I. that can't understand the meaning of words in the first place determines whether the content of the posted text is "true" or "false" is, it cannot be done.
In other words, if it were possible, words like "Wuhan virus" and "China virus" would be included in by 'keyword matching.'
Alternatively, let it call the 50 Cent Party and automatically determine if it is frozen. Or, finally, they can check it with human eyes.
In Google, the phenomenon of A.I. automatically discriminating against you, called 'algorithmic unfairness.' In response to this, it was written in an internal document that humans would correct the A.I.
Even though the A.I. says it's automatic, it's arbitrarily controlling speech. 
In the past, they were also the facial expressions and body type to Xi Jinping on the net has been said to resemble 'Winnie the Pooh' and 'Giant' is now no longer be able to find it temporarily Chinese net.
Even when The "Panama document" appears, because Xi Jinping hid about 20 trillion yen, the place name "Panama" has disappeared from the Chinese Internet.
They used keyword matching entirely as a filter.
The same phenomenon often occurs in the Chinese version of Twitter, Weibo.
Google, Twitter, Facebook... It is said that A.I. controls hoaxes everywhere, but in reality, humans are always involved in the back.
Especially if they are only deleting information that is not convenient for them, that is impossible unless they do it artificially.
This article continues.
