文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In this case, again, hate against a specific people (the Japanese people) comes before law

2019年03月04日 22時38分31秒 | 日記

South Korea that is the country of abysmal evil and plausible lie makes the United Nations and Europe and America a stage, and it is the anti-Japanese propaganda that came, unrolling persistently.
On the contrary, those who lived as Japan's treasures in various fields of Japan, finally rise up against the lies, on the official website of the UN Human Rights Committee in November last year, Posted the truth of things ... It is a paper as a result of real intelligence and academics.
You truly received their anti-Japanese propaganda, and stopped progress the Turntable of Civilization, which is turning to Japan as a country that years to 1900 years later, along with the United States,
People all over the world who are making the unstable and extremely dangerous world now, know how ignorant and stupid you are and you never again commit the crime of stopping the progress of the Turntable of Civilization.
3-2-3. Infringement on free learning
Professor Park Yu-ha of Sejong University was found guilty in Seoul High Court on October 27,2017.
This is a familiar example.
Based on research, Professor Pak pointed out that “professional prostitutes” were among the former Japanese military comfort women.
But she was found guilty of “defamation of character” and charged a fine of 10 million won.
In this case, again, hate against a specific people (the Japanese people) comes before law—this is the true state of Korea, wherein even free academic inquiry is suppressed.
3-2-4. The Yasukuni Shrine arsonist is a political criminal
A suspect named Liu Qiang (an ethnic Chinese), who was serving prison time on a charge of throwing Molotov cocktails into the Japanese Embassy in Seoul in January 2012, confessed during interrogation that he set fire to Yasukuni Shrine in Japan in December 2011.
Yasukuni Shrine is a sacred site, where those killed in service of the State are enshrined.
Yasukini Shrine would be the equivalent to Arlington National Cemetery in the US.
Naturally, the Japanese Government asked for the transfer of the suspect from Korea to Japan, based on an extradition treaty between Japan and Korea.
However, the Korean High Court viewed suspect Liu as a “political criminal” and sent him back to China.
Their reason was that “the arson was committed for the political purpose of having Japan change its policy and, therefore,
it is classified as a political crime, in which Korea can refuse transfer.”
It is not logical at all to regard an arsonist as a “political criminal”, and, here again, it is plain that so long as Japan is concerned, there
is no need to observe international treaties,
3-2-5. No need to return the Buddhist statue stolen from a Japanese temple
In October 2012, a Korean burglary gang stole “Sitting Statue of Kanzeon,” a prefectural-designated cultural asset, from Kannon-ji Temple in Tsushima City, Nagasaki Prefecture and took it home to
The gang was arrested in Korea and the Buddhist statue was retrieved.
Despite a request from Japan for the return of the statue, the Taejon District Court temporarily ruled that until Japan proved that it obtained the statue through legal means, the statue would not be returned.
To this day, the statue has yet to be returned to Japan.
However, it is almost impossible to find out how the statue was
obtained in the fourteenth century.
To be consistent with the Korean court’s temporary decision, if
Egyptians and others stole their former national treasures from The British Museum or The Louvre and brought them home, they would not have to return the treasures until it was proven that Great
Britain and France obtained them legally.
To steal a Buddhist statue, however, is clearly theft and the
statue should be returned to Japan.
Besides, it is clearly against laws that ban illegal export/import of
cultural assets (UNESCO Treaty), and duties to return stolen cultural assets. (Even if the Buddhist statue had been plundered by Japan in the 14th century, the UNESCO Treaty does not apply to acts
which had taken place before the Treaty took effect.)
Clearly, not complying with Japan’s proper requests to return the Buddhist statue is against common sense and laws and plain discrimination against Japan.
