文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Sincere thanks to Japan (Korea should thank Japan from the bottom of its heart.)

2022年03月24日 10時21分31秒 | 全般

The following is from the serial column of Mr. Masayuki Takayama, who brings the weekly Shincho released today to a successful conclusion. 
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
This paper is a must-read, especially for the Japanese people and people worldwide.
The emphasis in the text except for the headline is mine.
Sincere thanks to Japan (Korea should thank Japan from the bottom of its heart.)
Rhee Seung-man boasted that he came from good origins; in reality, he was just a poor scion of a fallen clan.
If he wanted to make a good living, he would have to pass the National Enlistment Examination. If you pass the examination, you will receive a fiefdom, and you will be able to exploit the people of the fiefdom to your heart's content and live as luxuriously as you wish.
In China, a person who passed the national examination was only prosperous for one generation. Still, in Joseon, a person could be a lord for three generations up to his grandson.
The grandchildren's generation would be the last, so they took all the harvest. That is their nationality. There would have been no mercy.
Syngman Rhee also dreamed of doing so, but the Sino-Japanese War broke out just as he was about to take the test. The system of the National Enlistment Examination was abolished after that.
There was nothing he could do. While attending an English tutoring school, he lamented the indecisiveness of Kojong, who was being pushed around by Empress Myeongseong and was then accused by a government official.
He was then imprisoned, and his fingernails were removed under torture.
When the Russo-Japanese War broke out, Kojong decided to establish a friendship with the U.S. to check Japan.
He searched for an English-speaking man and found Syngman Rhee, who was in prison. He changed his name from a prisoner and went to the U.S. as a representative of Joseon.
However, the U.S. imposed this troublesome country on Japan and closed the U.S. diplomatic mission in Korea to reduce its national power.
White men have their burdens," said T. Roosevelt, "and the Japanese must bear their yellow burdens."
Rhee, who hated Japan, fled to Honolulu. There, he identified himself as "Japanese. There was not a shred of moderation.
After the war, such a man became the first president of Korea. Everyone tilted their heads, but Kim Il Sung was overjoyed.
In June 1950, North Korea invaded the South, and the Korean War began. Syngman Rhee left the war in the hands of the U.S. military and fled to Busan.
The U.S. military was troubled. U.S. generals were dying in the line of duty for "a country that doesn't matter" (Atchison Doctrine).
Truman ordered "Japan to become independent and rearm" to use Japanese soldiers instead of U.S. soldiers.
Thus, when the San Francisco Peace Conference began, Syngman Rhee asked MacArthur to "enlist Korea as a victorious nation " and that he intended to get reparations from Japan.
But the answer was, "You are neither a victor nor a defeated nation. You are a third country."
Having lost all means of obtaining reparations, Rhee demanded an apology and compensation directly from Japan for the Japanese colonial rule.
Yoshida Shigeru refused, saying, "You may be grateful, but there will be no reparations."
So Rhee drew the so-called "Rhee Line" in the Sea of Japan to protect marine resources, seized Takeshima, captured a Japanese fishing boat, and took the fishermen hostage.
Using this as a bargaining chip, Syngman Rhee visited Japan in January 1953 and pressed Yoshida Shigeru to negotiate compensation. At the beginning of the meeting, Rhee showed his clawless fingers and lied, "The Japanese did it."
Yoshida disparaged Rhee and refused the salute against him, and the following year, 1954, he ordered the expulsion of illegal Korean residency and the armed repulsion of Korean naval vessels.
Rhee was horrified. He hastily proposed a non-aggression pact between the U.S., Japan, and South Korea and slipped into the skirts of the U.S.
Soon after that, Rhee was abandoned even by the Koreans, his son and his family committed suicide, and he defected again to Honolulu; this time, he did not take a Japanese name.
After the war, three bad countries took Japanese territory.
One is the United States. It took Okinawa as a strategic point. They killed 100,000 unarmed islanders, but they also paid the price of 75,000 dead and wounded.
And the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union is a really dirty country, waited for Japan's surrender and stole the Kuril Islands and the Northern Four Islands. Even so, 3,000 people were killed in the first Shumshu, and the Russians are still despised as "dirty looters" to this day.
However, only South Korea was unharmed and stole Takeshima.
Without remorse, South Korea received 500 million dollars of assistance from Japan, asked Japan to make a miracle on the Han River, let Nakasone finance 6 billion dollars, and sponged to Japan as they liked.
Nevertheless, he still curses Japan, saying, "Japan does not apologize from the bottom of their heart."
Why don't you honestly express "heartfelt gratitude" to Japan, apologize for the domineering of the Rhee line, and return Takeshima as soon as possible?
Don't you think it is too late for Putin, the loser, to apologize for his looter and return the northern four islands to Japan?


