文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The result of this unbelievable poll is nothing but such a simple fact.

2023年02月21日 00時04分36秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Ryusho Kadota, which I just discovered.
*The following is mine.
Sankei FNN survey shows the majority of LDP supporters favor the LGBT bill.
Are you sure about this?
There are "self-identified men" coming into women's bathrooms and women's toilets and rapes in women's restrooms all over the world in Japan.
The efforts of female athletes who have worked so hard are in vain.
If you, who should be protected, don't speak up, the world will become severely affected.
Sankei/FNN joint public opinion poll] LGBT bill, same-sex marriage legislation... the majority of LDP supporters in favor
A joint poll conducted by Sankei Shimbun and FNN (Fuji News Network) on March 18 and 19 asked about a bill to improve the understanding of LGBT and other sexual minorities...

*This poll shows that both Sankei Shimbun and FNN are afraid of Dowa.
The result of this unbelievable poll is nothing but such a simple fact.
I wasted my time and energy writing the following text.
It is ridiculous.

*Is this poll valid?
I can't believe it unless they reveal how large a sample they took and with what kind of survey.
I have mentioned several times that Sankei Shimbun is not 100% either.
As for Fuji TV, I only watch their sports broadcasts or sports programs.
Fuji TV must be the representative eagerly featuring Toru Hashimoto in its TV talk show programs.
They just recently conducted a bullshit poll, didn't they?
I don't need to confirm that it was an automated poll with an audio recording, and people like me, for example, would hang off the phone after hearing the beginning of the survey.
I have already mentioned that I have done so many times.
Many people who answer the phone may only watch a TV talk show or news program.
Out of a sample of 2000, that should be the result of about 1500 that responded.
If they want to hear the authentic voice of the people, why don't they conduct an Internet poll as Sankei Shimbun and FNN (Fuji News Network) for a limited period?
They will not do it because they know it is the correct thing to do.
They are only conducting polls that are a manageable amount of fabrication to get the results they want, especially those who control Fuji Television Network.
As mentioned, we live in the Internet age, when almost all people, young and old, men and women, look at their smartphones on the subway and everywhere else in town.
They are all people who are not journalists and do not deserve the journalist's name.


