文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Be a witness! The article is an entirely false impression operation.

2023年07月13日 11時57分42秒 | 全般

Haruko Arimura (Member of the House of Councilors, National Proportion)
Please help everyone!
Be a witness!
I, Arimura, have never said [Nothing!!] in formal Diet deliberations or informal settings. 
I never thought "discriminatory remarks" and "impression manipulation that I said" would come out of the media!
If Nikkan Gendai (article dated July 12) is allowed to squelch the media, which unintentionally pours out hoaxes based on unsubstantiated truths based only on impressions, then "safety and security in women's spaces are important'' ( Even conservative politicians who advocate the most natural general theory are targets of social extermination.
We should not tolerate Such a terrifying society.
■I have never once denounced a transgender person in my life, and no matter where someone looks in the minutes of the Diet, such words do not appear.
The article is an entirely false impression operation.
■I have never voiced any concerns about the Supreme Court ruling, as described in the article.
On the evening of July 11, Mr. S, a political reporter for the Liberal Democratic Party of the House of Councilors of Kyodo News, visited our office to ask for my comments on the Supreme Court decision.
Later that night, in response to my comments, he arbitrarily wrote, "I expressed my concern,'' and published it." 
If the July 12th newspaper reported this expression that I never said,
"I, a member of parliament, did not say good or bad about the Supreme Court decision, but you, a Kyodo News reporter, arbitrarily inserted and tried to manipulate the impression by saying, "I expressed my concerns." I will reveal it later tonight.'' I said seriously.
As a result, the phrase "concerned" (which I didn't even say) was changed to "commented" and distributed to the morning edition of each local newspaper on July 12.
Even though I am not at all disparaging the Supreme Court/judicial ruling, the Nikkan Gendai article reporting such captions along with Arimura's photo is exceptionally vicious, unjust, and immoral.
On the night of July 11, the Kyodo News S reporter sent an article criticizing me on July 12 based on inaccurate comments (which should not have been made public) without even reflecting the corrections made in-house. Is Nikkan Gendai, which is doing it, internally linked with Kyodo News?
■What is the basis for the article's title, along with my photo, "Conservative legislators' persistent discriminatory attitude towards sexual minorities''?
It is entirely baseless, politically risky, and downright defamatory, and we strongly protest it.
■ The article states, "I am worried that men who claim their heart is a woman will enter the toilet." In order not to cause misunderstandings, we have chosen our words very carefully, and we will not use sloppy words like those in the article in the first place.
In order not to be labeled, I spend many times as long as I spend asking questions to confirm the facts, carefully examine the words, and repeat logic and refinement.
Unhealthy and cowardly speech puts things in print as if they had said something they have never said before, labels them as "politicians have a discriminatory attitude," and demeans people with different opinions.
We cannot yield to such an unhealthy and cowardly ban on speech.
I will refute and resolutely protest with convictions and facts against the reporting attitude that distorts the fairness of society by spreading uncertain articles based on impressionism because of different opinions and positions.
Dear readers who believe in and support social justice, please decide who is telling the truth, who is fighting with a spirit of fairness, and who is fighting hard with the power of speech.
Haruko Arimura, member of the House of Councilors, before dawn on July 13, 2023

The Supreme Court ruled that restricting the use of women's restrooms is 'illegal'... Discrimination against sexual minorities among conservative lawmakers does not disappear https://nikkan-gendai.com/articles/view/life/325899#Daily Gendai DIGITAL.

