文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Why is the U.S. Democratic Party setting up China so much?

2020年08月19日 20時44分28秒 | 全般

I will proofread and re-send the chapter I sent out on 1/9/2020 in a few places.
The following is from Masayuki Takayama's paper, titled Democratic Party (United States) of a cliff, at the end of Weekly Shincho released yesterday.
The world will reaffirm and admire that he is one and only journalist in the post-war world.
In November 2013, shortly after Xi Jinping became president, the CPC set up an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the Senkaku Islands.
It is my skies, meaning that if any strangers come, we will shoot them down, and the Chinese mark fighters have started patrolling as well.
Senkaku is Japanese territory. The Abe administration made a statement saying, 'What (the heck) are you doing?'
Xi Jinping laughed at the nose.
It wasn't just a matter of that verbal tug-of-war.
ADIZ also served as a Flight information region (FIR) for civilian aircraft.
Commercial aircraft flying there are obliged to notify the ADIZ-setting country of where they are operating and where they are flying.
The airspace over the Senkaku was Japanese all along, and it was a Japanese FIR.
But if they will save face the Japanese government and not notify China, they might be shot down.
Xi Jinping announced the 'defensiveness emergency measure' of shooting a no- notice airplane, too.
Civil airplanes from all over the world, including Nikko, have no choice but to follow China's steamroller.
But we can't allow such arrogance to go unchallenged. 
Biden, the vice president of the Obama administration, flew to Beijing to hold talks with Xi Jinping.
For some reason, his son, Hunter, who runs an investment company, accompanied him to the meeting.
But the result was what Xi Jinping claimed.
It was "Civilian aircraft should notify the Chinese and fly.
It was as if the United States had told them that the Senkaku Islands were long ago Chinese territory for Japan.
The Obama administration, like Clinton, also had nothing on Japan and a focus on China.
Why is the U.S. Democratic Party setting up China so much?
Watanabe Soki, The Collapse of the American Democratic Party, introduces the trick in detail.
It says Biden met with Xi Jinping 'Ten days later, the state-owned China Bank deposited 1.5 billion dollars in the investment company of his son Hunter.'
Biden swallowed China's words with money.
In other words, he was making a fortune from diplomacy.
When it comes to U.S. foreign policy, the Monroe Doctrine, or non-interference in international affairs, has been a national policy.
The Democrats, however, often ignored it.
They also participated in World War I and interfered in the founding of Manchukuo.
As a result, they sold their debt to both Europe and China to make money.
Peter Schweizer's 'Clinton Cash' depicts the post-Clinton Democratic administration's blatant diplomacy in making money. Biden followed that route.
The Ukrainian problem that occurred around the same time as the Senkaku was also so.
Obama was pushing NATO to the east to contain Russia. He took in the eastern European countries one by one and finally embarked on the eaves of Russia, Ukraine.
Ukraine is a well-known corruption state. Instead of submitting to the west, they pestered some military aid and more.
Again, Biden flew to Kyiv with his son Hunter and promised military aid.
Shortly after that, Hunter became a lifetime director of Burisma, a major Ukrainian natural gas company.
His compensation is $100 million a year.
It was the same to win over as in the Senkaku.
If so conspicuous, the Ukrainian prosecutor will go on an investigation. If so, Reuters reported, 'Biden dismisses Prosecutor General, implying that military aid will discontinue.'
The major US media supporting the Democratic Party did not denounce such a significant incident.
Now the impeachment of Trump by the Democrats has begun.
Trump told Ukraine's new president to "get a handle on (pervasive corruption)".
The Democrats read it as 'It must have tried to have the corruption of Biden surely investigated.'
If he used diplomacy as a personal agenda, they said, it was "worthy of impeachment.
The U.S. media has overlooked the contradictions, and the Asahi Shimbun, which simply translates the New York Times, reports so extensively that "impeach Trump."
Reminds me of the Asahi Shimbun's MoriKake fuss, who made up suspicions in partnership with scammers.
Soki Watanabe predicts that 'Trump will reelect in a landslide victory and the U.S. Democratic Party will collapse in the same way as the Japanese Democratic Party.'
His prophecy hits. 


