文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Thick Walls Blocking China's Approach 

2023年05月14日 19時17分55秒 | 全般

It is after reading.
October 24, 2010
The beautiful egoism of the T.V. stations, which are among the highest paid in Japan, the politicians, who are also among the highest paid in Japan (although in their case, they will not be safe forever), and the people who have had enough, and those who thought they had enough and loved mirages, overlapped, mingled, melted, and finally, over the last 20 years, reduced the value of Japan's existence to almost zero. 
It's a natural result if you look at the state of commercial television programming and you don't even question it.
They need to realize that they have continued falling into the lower 90% population.
It would be a reasonable outcome for those who have continued watching it.

Thick Walls Blocking China's Approach 
Even in landmines such as Latin America, where China is increasing its economic influence, the United States still has a trump card to play.
Last year, China overtook the U.S. to become Brazil's top trading partner.
Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, and Argentina are now its second-largest trading partners.
Nevertheless, while Asia's overall trade with Latin America (driven exclusively by China) has surged 96% over the past decade, the U.S. has outpaced it with a 118% increase in total value.
According to Sino-Latin Capital, a Shanghai-based investment consulting firm, Chinese investment in Latin America stood at a cumulative total of $12 billion at the end of 2008.
According to the China Economic Review, it is less than Michigan's investment in Latin America.
Culture and geography are barriers to China and Latin America moving closer together.
The U.S. and Latin America are destined to coexist, and China can't compete," said Kevin Casas Zamora, a Latin America expert at the Brookings Institution.
Compared to the appeal of U.S. soft power in Latin America, China is overshadowed.
U.S. soft power is sympathetic through popular culture, language, and ideals.
Most Latin American countries are functioning democracies or aspire to become democracies.
