文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Most of the propaganda of "the tyranny of the Japanese military" are the creation

2016年10月11日 21時14分49秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

It is different from the modern science and the various studies of Shina tradition are made "the sutra" (Four Books and Five Classics), "the history" (the history book), "子" (Hundred Schools of Thought), "the collection" (the poem word)in 4, it is divided.

It often creates official history compilation for the following most dynasty to insist on the justice of the change of Chinese dynasty by fate and it often uses for the villainy criticism by the political opponent rival as the history card.

In the university in Japan, the historical studies belong to the literature department but the People's Republic becomes a politics department.

Therefore, the opponent who forces "the right history recognition" , persistently, in addition to Japan, the domestic political opponent rival, too, is same.

The criticism battle of the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party is often seen.

There are much false sutras - false history in the classic in addition to the near contemporary history, too.

A bibliographical study of Chinese classics progresses from Dinastía Qing and pointed out to it and confused by Shina classic which is full of lies if not learning "The dialectic which is on, being false" it.

Huguang Province governor Zhang Zhidong of late Qing wrote in the "Yu 軒語", "if minding truth or falsehood about the classic, it cannot help abandoning the great part."

Most of the propaganda of "the tyranny of the Japanese military" are the creation which made Shina history a model and "Nanjing Massacre", too, is not an exception.

This article continues

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