文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In short, it is not only Hong Kong residents that anger has reached its boiling point.

2019年07月06日 16時30分27秒 | 全般

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter
US-UK will not leave
Contrary to the general Hong Kong people's feeling of dyspnea, Hong Kong, a "one country and two institutions" was a super attractive place for some of the influential people.
Hong Kong is even if it's rotten, it's still sea bream Hong Kong.
It has trade traffic with all parts of the world and serves as the World Financial Center, a distribution hub, and the world's largest offshore RMB center.
From November 2014, the mutual exchange of stock markets in Hong Kong and Shanghai has also begun.
With the birth of one huge Chinese stock market, the "gaming ground" named Central, which is not ordinary people was gaining momentum.
The Communist Party officials washed the renminbi that they illegally brought out with their relatives or businessman with political contacts at a casino in Macao, transferred the money to Hong Kong, converted them to Hong Kong dollars, or moved them to a paper company set up in Tax Haven. Was a base of money laundering and alchemy.
In other words, Hong Kong has unique advantages and essential roles.
China, who has "stolen" know-how from Britain, has abused the "two systems" since the Deng Xiaoping era.
After all, the struggle between the communist party and the black society of two sides of the same coin has become intense.
However, it can say that the world's gaze on China had changed 180 degrees from 2014 when the umbrella revolution occurred.
Mr. Chris Patten, who served as the last Hong Kong governor, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and British and German Foreign Ministers were among the first to express concern.
It has also reported that Hong Kong Consuls of Eleven European countries formally protested when they met Carrie Lam.
The spokesman of the European Foreign Activity Agency (equivalent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of the EU (European Union) also said on the 12th that many injured persons had come out, "the right to gather peacefully and express their opinions The statement "must be respected" and "share many concerns of Hong Kong citizens" has been issued.
Five years before the umbrella revolution took place, he said, "I have a responsibility to keep the principles of the" British and China Joint Statement."
UK travel legislator China travel visa issued that showed the idea of "If nothing said about the weakening of Hong Kong's advanced autonomy, it will conspire and drive Hong Kong to decline" is rejected, and a bipartisan party will visit China It is also new in memory that it was canceled.
In short, it is not only Hong Kong residents that anger has reached its boiling point.
The main enclosure is Britain that has returned to the Communist Party of China.
Lawmakers should have been looking for revenge opportunities.
And, to protect freedom and democracy, the Trump administration that has positioned the Communist Party of China as an enemy has taken its forefront.
A spokeswoman for the State Department, Morgan Ortagus, said at a press conference on December 12 that the young men understood that they were protesting because they did not want to be under China's control over their fundamental rights.
Agnes Chow, a student executive at the Umbrella Revolution, complained at a lecture by Meiji University that "I want the Japanese government and politicians to show their (opposed) intention to the revision clearly."
Democratic Party Speaker Nancy Pelosi also called on the US Congress to re-evaluate whether Hong Kong has sufficient self-rights in the framework of the One Country and Two Institutions in a statement of the day.
The bill, dubbed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, is looking forward to being submitted within a few days.
The political and diplomatic pressure from Western countries present at The Chinese Communist Party government, which abused the " two systems " and made Hong Kong a place for alchemy and money laundering.
The top leaders of the Xi administration are no longer monolithic.
That is China's Xi Jinping, who was forced to completely being surrounded by enemies on all sides of the world.
