文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Who in the world is making anti-Japanese and biased programs on NHK?

2021年06月18日 09時44分55秒 | 全般

Who in the world is making anti-Japanese and biased programs on NHK? The names of the directors and production supervisors are not listed on NHK's website and can be found in the program's end roll.
I sent out this article on 2018-10-22.
It is a must-read, not only for the people of Japan but for the rest of the world.
The following article is an excellent contribution to the actual value of the Internet, the most crucial library in human history.
It is an elaboration that contributes to the 21st century and humankind by revealing the truth of things.
Who is making NHK's anti-Japanese documentaries?
Many people are probably frustrated by the biased historical documentaries produced by NHK using the subscription fees it collects from the public, like water.
Japanese people are honest and obedient to the rules, so they get upset and say, "I don't pay subscription fees anymore! But many of them continue to pay the fees as if they were inertia.
However, NHK's anti-Japanese programs, translated into English, Chinese, and Korean, are widely viewed overseas. 
It is feared that they may be distasteful and detrimental to the national interest.
The historical documentaries produced by NHK are characterized by their thorough demonization of the Japanese military and their praise of postwar democracy. As former NHK employee Nobuo Ikeda pointed out, it is taboo to deviate from the victorious nation's view of history. 
They have no choice but to portray defeated Japan in a bad light. 
However, even the victor, the United States, has frequently produced programs exposing war crimes, such as the atomic bombings and incendiary attacks on cities. 
The problem is that almost no programs are denouncing the Soviet Union, the Chinese Nationalist Army, or the Eight Route Army. 
The Koreans are often feted as pitiful "victims. 
When the Japanese are portrayed as "victims," it is only in cases where the Japanese or U.S. forces are the "perpetrators," and there almost no programs are denouncing the Soviet Union, China, or Korea as "perpetrators."

Who in the world is making anti-Japanese and biased programs on NHK?
There is no mention of the name of the director or production supervisor on NHK's website, so the only way to find out is to check the end roll of the program.
After watching NHK's anti-war special last summer, I was amazed at how biased NHK has become lately. Since then, I have been watching every program I can find on the Internet and writing down the names of the directors and production supervisors.
After that, I watched every program I could find on the Internet and write down the names of the directors and production supervisors. The list makes it easy to see who is producing what kind of programs, and I would like to publish it for your reference.
In the future, if you find a terrible program, you can check the name of the producer, search this compilation, and check out the programs they have produced in the past.
You can also watch them by searching for videos on Google.
Some of the producers listed here are not NHK employees, such as production company employees and freelancers.

Of course, some good, objective programs like "Century of Images," but they use footage from overseas.
NHK's original programs based on its interviews are more like street interviews, which are politic justice, sob story programs that only pick up what is convenient to say.
The programs listed below include NHK specials and ETV and BS. Still, the NHK specials, which have the most significant number of viewers, show a clear intention to lead viewers who are ignorant of history in a particular direction.
On the other hand, ETV and BS, perhaps because they have almost no viewers, have many pretty maniacal programs. Although some of them are biased, some cases can find valuable materials and images.
This article continues.
