文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Who are Japan's best players, or in other words, the top half of my classmates?

2024年07月28日 10時11分40秒 | 全般
The following is a chapter that I sent out on 1/5/2017.
I was disgusted; all of the chapters were blocked from being searched.
My thesis is sharp and sound.
I will send it out again in sequence.

I am the first person to inform the world that the employees of the Asahi Shimbun are not the best people in Japan.
On the contrary, it is a fact that Kiyoshi Nagae mentioned in his book, co-authored with Hiroshi Hasegawa, that newspaper journalists are the most unpopular occupation in the United States.
The best people in Japan (the middle to upper half of my classmates) aim to become managers of leading Japanese companies (the business world).
Or they will join the Japanese government or the Bank of Japan and take charge of steering the country.
The rest of them will become doctors.
They will become doctors and help strangers who are suffering from illness.
I have told the world that the best and the brightest will not become newspaper journalists or TV personalities.

This New Year, almost all of the working adults in Japan, including the best and brightest, are first thinking about the economic trends in Japan (hoping for a sound economy).
Or they are nervously watching to see what Trump's policies will be.
In other words, they are thinking about the economy's future and foreign policy.

Those adults in Japanese society who subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun newspaper must have been dumbfounded when they read today's edition.
Long-time subscribers to the Asahi Shimbun newspaper must know that it is critical of the Emperor System.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that not a single scholar or so-called intellectual who has appeared on the pages of the Asahi Shimbun has ever said, "Long live the Emperor."

However, there has always been something strange about the Asahi Shimbun newspaper.
I subscribed to Weekly Asahi for a long time until August of the year before last.
The occasional special issues on the Imperial Family that they publish are more luxurious and glorifying of the Imperial Family than those of other companies.
They sold much better than similar publications from other companies.

This morning, the Asahi Shimbun published an article on the front page that used the Emperor to lead the public to believe that the occupying forces did not impose the Japanese Constitution but a peaceful constitution created voluntarily.

Everyone who wants to know about the state of the world economy this year, especially the trends in the US and China, and the state of world diplomacy this year, especially US-China diplomacy (including military strategy), must have been disgusted.

My friend was not only disgusted by this.
After reading an editorial by Chief Economics Writer Hara Masato, which criticized the policies of the Abe administration and the Bank of Japan (policies to eradicate deflation at all costs and escape from deflation), he expressed his extreme contempt for the Asahi Shimbun.

I had been staying up late since the New Year, and last night, I watched a program that examined whether China's economic growth had reached even the highland villages.
They said things were better than when they had visited seven years ago, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that their lives were still as poor as possible.
They eat sitting on the ground, with their meager crockery laid out on the dirt floor.
The son of the family being interviewed failed his high school entrance exam, and his father, who has lived a life of abject poverty, is utterly sad.
However, the two sons of his cousins passed their exams with flying colors.
All the relatives gather to congratulate them.
Everyone brings money.
It is said that this will be used to pay the children's school fees.
I watched the program with the thought of confirming the mutual support of the Chinese village that I had heard about through an acquaintance.
Pork and beef are served together (a big feast for them once a year).
However, the container where the food is served is a plastic bathtub.
It is laid out on the ground, and children and adults alike eat it by grabbing it with their hands while squatting on the ground.
It goes without saying what I thought when I read Hara Masato's pseudo-moralistic articles, such as "What's wrong with low growth?" and "We can't keep growing forever."
As Mr. Hasegawa Hiroshi, a real reporter for the Asahi Shimbun (the pursuit of facts is everything for a reporter), mentioned, the Asahi Shimbun is not a newspaper but a propaganda leaflet.
That's exactly right.
They create their pages to guide readers according to their biased ideology.
Only they don't know how childish and malicious such an approach is.
This article continues.

The following is an article that was published on 2015-07-19.
The coral reef colony, a significant natural asset located several kilometers offshore, is being relocated. At the new site, what will remain are mostly buds and dead coral, which, according to experts, will not significantly impact the ecosystem.
Even so, when they received a photo of the concrete blocks placed on top of the coral that was already dead, the newspaper reported it as top news without verification, saying, "The coral reef was damaged." (Newsweek magazine)
This fact also proves the correctness of my editorial.
I have been the first to point out that the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, lawyers, etc., are not Japan's best players but merely good exam students in the middle to lower half of my class.
They are people who can talk about themselves, but they are just selfish people.
They are not qualified to discuss the affairs of the state.
Who are Japan's best players, or in other words, the top half of my classmates?
They are the presidents and executives of Japan's world-class companies and their employees.
They are the bureaucrats in the Kasumigaseki district who run the country.
They are the people who become doctors to save the lives of strangers.
The article at the beginning tells us that there is a vast difference between the genuinely top-class and the second-rate.
The world's genuinely top people will silently understand how unique my point is.


