文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China must immediately show the world the truth about this virus.

2024年06月12日 07時14分58秒 | 全般

As soon as TV Tokyo WBS started at 11:00 p.m. last night, it reported that Japan's infected people are now second-wave infected.
In other words, it mutated during the Wuhan virus pandemic in Europe.
I saw this report and immediately thought.
China must immediately show the world the truth about this virus.
Otherwise, we're endlessly annoyed by the virus.
What did Shi Zhengli multiply the coronavirus to create a new virus? She must have confirmed how it mutated.
She has to reveal the whole production process.
It may be useless to say to her, which is like the cell itself of the one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party,
Shi Zhengli, that's what humans do.
With all kinds of problems, China (CCP) has demonstrated that it is a country of abysmal evil and plausible lies.
South China Sea mode, Senkaku Islands mode, Uighur oppression, Tibetan issue, Mongolia issue, Falun Gong oppression, Human rights lawyer oppression, Hong Kong citizen oppression, Taiwan threat, etc.
For decades, China (CCP), a country that has continued to expand its army by investing an astronomical amount of money and is aiming to conquer the world with an evil thought, built the Wuhan Virus Research Institute by fooling France into construction. It's no exaggeration to say that all the people who think it's a virus institute are people under the control of China.
Suppose there is a journalist who is seriously considering that China (CCP), which is nothing but a malignant mass, is not researching biochemical weapons at the Wuhan Virus Research Institute. In that case, they all have to leave the journalism immediately.
China (CCP) is the king of naked for everything. It is a fact that even elementary school students can understand that a group of humans is rotten from the core, that is, made of abysmal evil and plausible lies.
Last night, at midnight, WBS or Fuji TV aired the news that China announced that the new virus was not artificial.
A person called a scientist in China today announced it.
It is no exaggeration to say that there is no decent scholar, scientist, or artist in China today.
Of course, you'll be there, but if you tell the truth, you'll be immediately detained and imprisoned.
No scholar, scientist, or artist can speak in such a world.
Only the subordinates of the CCP, that is, the CCP's advocates, are speaking out.
Of course, looking at such things is a waste of time, so I immediately turned off the power and went to bed.
Now, WBS is continuing a series titled 'Think of Corona,' where people from the wheat and chaff mix appear and talk daily.
This series reveals that the maneuvering of China is affecting TV Tokyo's news and programming departments and that people have the same idea as the Asahi Shimbun rule.
Yosuke Kaifu, who appeared last night, was only talking about what he thought was entirely under the influence of China.
Now, I checked it online (the electronic version of Newsweek) and was horrified.
'More than 70% of infectious diseases are derived from animals, especially wildlife. Recent climate change and development expansion have increased the risk of contact with wildlife,' said Professor Yuan.
Perhaps the Chinese person I glanced at on TV last night was Professor Yuan.
It is because Yosuke Kaifu spoke the same as Professor Yuan's statement.
TV Tokyo (Nikkei Shimbun) also proved that it is hard to say that it is a newspaper that exists in Japan.
To my readers, I want to say something urgent.
Please let them know my messages to as many people around you as possible.
They should switch to subscriptions to four monthly magazines, WiLL, Hanada, Voice, and Sound Argument, to stop subscriptions to Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Tokyo Shimbun, Chunichi Shimbun, local newspapers that only publish articles from Kyodo News immediately.
The monthly subscription fee for the Asahi Shimbun is about 5,000 yen, but even if you subscribe to the above four magazines monthly, it is about 3900 yen.
It is because the number of papers on the truth of things is as different as heaven and earth.
Being an information-vulnerable person who only subscribes to the above newspapers and watches NHK and other television news programs and talk shows,
Please let them know that even if they can be a traitor, they cannot be a national treasure defined by Saicho.

2024/6/7 in Nagoya


