文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Selling cutting-edge technology like the Shinkansen is like selling out the country

2020年09月04日 15時14分02秒 | 全般

The following is from an article I just discovered online.
Linear Shinkansen engineers have been lured to China! |Hiroshi Yuasa
The Chinese are stealing Japan's treasure!
About 30 Japanese engineers working on the Central Japan Railway Company's Linear Shinkansen have been pulled to China. - an astonishing fact was written by Hiroshi Yuasa, a special reporter for the Sankei Shimbun newspaper and senior researcher at the National Institute for Basic Studies.
First, the Central Japan Railway Company (JR Tokai) has refused to "provide" technology to China.
In 2004, Kawasaki Heavy Industries signed an agreement with China's Ministry of Railways to license the Tohoku Shinkansen "Hayate" train. However, Kasai Yoshiyuki, the current honorary chairman of the Central Japan Railway Company, opposed Kawasaki's pitch to China for the technology of the Shinkansen.
Kasai had argued vehemently against the sale of cutting-edge technology to China, saying, "Selling cutting-edge technology like the Shinkansen is like selling out the country," but Kawasaki refused to listen.
Mr. Kasai's prediction came true.
In 2011, China filed a patent application in the United States and other countries claiming that the Chinese version of the bullet train, developed with Kawasaki technology, was "independently developed."
In the words of Clive Hamilton, author of The Invisible Invasion, the business elite are unconsciously acting in allegiance to their foreign masters, "eroding Australia's sovereignty from the inside," a tendency also seen among Japanese businesspeople. They think they "know China better than anyone else" and do not allow differences in politics and values to interfere.
However, it turns out that engineers like Kasai, who refused and opposed the diversion of bullet train technology to China, are being drawn to China at a high price for their work on the linear Shinkansen at the Central Japan Railway Company.
Even if China's colossal market cannot be ignored, how much national interest is being lost for short-term economic gain.
It also shows the horror of China's money.
Be sure to read the full article in this magazine!

The following is from Wikipedia's "Yoshiyuki Kasai
Statement against the transfer of bullet train technology to China
Kawasaki Heavy Industries was actively seeking business opportunities overseas.
It was East Japan Railway Company Chairman Masashi Matsuda who teamed up with then-Chairman Hiroshi Oba, President Tadaharu Ohashi, and Satoshi Hasegawa, who later became President of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, to provide the People's Republic of China with the technology for the bullet train (Tohoku Shinkansen Hayate train technology).
He was listed as one of the "three reformers" along with Masataka Ide and Kasai.
However, due in part to sloppy contracting on the part of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, the Chinese stole the Shinkansen rolling stock technology on a state-sponsored basis.
It is said that not only were they allowed to sell the technology to the United States and other Asian countries, but they were also allowed to apply for international patents in the United States and other countries through an expansive interpretation of the contract or a kind of sophistry.
It is said that Masashi Matsuda was in sharp contrast to Kasai, who was consistently opposed to the transfer of Shinkansen technology to China from beginning to end.
