文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I didn't know why the doctor died so early, but that's what it was.

2020年06月03日 15時51分31秒 | 全般

The following is from a book in the conversation between Mr. Masahiro Miyazaki, one of the world's leading Chinese connoisseurs and a living Tadao Umesao, and Mr. Seki-Hei.
After graduating from Peking University, Mr. Seki-Hei was studying at Kobe University when a friend invited him to visit Arashiyama, where he was struck by an epiphany and naturalized in Japan.
I had already mentioned that I met him a few years ago at Tofukuji Temple when the autumn leaves were in their peak season, and we exchanged words and business cards.
This article proves that the Asahi Shimbun, NHK and other Japanese broadcasters are not even petty journalists.
They are the 'unforgivable.'
Preamble omitted.
Are the rumors of biological and chemical weapons closer to the truth?
On a different note, recently, there have been rumors that the Wuhan virus may be a biological weapon.
It was the Pentagon (U.S. Department of Defense) that first said it wasn't a biological weapon, but declined to say definitively. 
However, Luc Antoine Montagnier (the winner of the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine), discovered the AIDS virus and said that the new coronavirus was an accidental leak from a virus laboratory in Wuhan, China and that it was artificially manipulated.
Even if it wasn't a biological weapon, it was more likely to be a human error on China's part. 
There is a lab in China about 15 km away from the seafood market, which is said to be a pathogen outbreak.
It is a fact.
The other lab is only 3km away.    
American experts say there is no evidence of any connection between the Institute and the seafood market.
However, from where the lab was located near the seafood market, it has drawn all kinds of speculation.
The mystery is the 'fast reproductive speed (of the Wuhan virus).'
So, there were many people involved who suspected that this virus was human-made.
Bats sold at seafood markets are not the source of the "Wuhan virus," the Chinese government insists.
So, where is the source of the outbreak?
One is the lab that Miyazaki-san pointed out earlier.
It is known as the "Wuhan Institute of Diseases and Poisons," and it is a well-known local laboratory.
It belongs to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and is related to the Chinese People's Liberation Vehicle.
The Chinese word for "disease poison" means "virus." 
So a rumor spread on the Internet in China that a virus had leaked from a disease lab.
They'll often do things like "cannibalistic investigations" on the Chinese net.
So, who is the first virus infected?
After investigating online, a story emerged that a female researcher named Huang Yanling, who worked at the Wuhan Institute of Disease and Poison, might be the first infected person.
The theory has emerged that the 'Wuhan Virus' was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Disease and Poison by some mistake on the part of this woman. 
The Beijing-based Xinjing Daily News heard the rumor and interviewed the Wuhan Institute of Diseases and Poisons to find out the truth.
The aim was to clear up the "black rumor" that the Wuhan Institute of Disease and Poison was the source of the outbreak.
So the reporter's goal was to quash the online rumors rather than confirm the facts. 
Naturally, in the interview, the reporter brought up the story of a researcher named Huang. So, how did the head of the Wuhan Institute of Diseases and Poisons respond?
It said, "I don't know if such a person (Ms. Huang) was in the Wuhan Institute of Disease and Poison.
However, the Institute has overwhelmingly met with opinions from the Internet that the answer was ridiculous.
It said that it is inexplicable that a laboratory with at most a hundred or more people, rather than a laboratory with thousands or tens of thousands of research shells, 'does not know whether the A is there or not.'
Upon further investigation, it actually found this person's name on the website of this Institute.
It was posted on the page that introduced each researcher.
But oddly enough, even though there was a name, the biography, etc., had been erased. 
So, the Wuhan Institute of Diseases and Poisons issued another statement, saying, 'This researcher certainly was. But now she's gone. She has assigned to a different region.'
Then he said, 'Ms. Huang is still doing well.' They announced that she did not have the new coronavirus and were eager to dismiss the rumors.
However, against the wishes of the Institute, the rumor spread even further.
Netizens take a stab at this statement.
If this person is alive and well and has gone to the provinces, wouldn't it be the end of everything if she were to give an interview and quash the rumors herself?
However, this person has not shown up at all and has not even come forward to speak.
In some cases, she may have died of coronal infection.
That might have been killed.
TIE SOMEONE'S TONGUE isn't the CCP's forte either.
Moreover, while the rumor was spreading, the Chinese Academy of Sciences sent a strange message to the relevant departments through the media.
The message was that 'all disease-related laboratories and laboratories across the country must strengthen their disease control.'
When they say "strengthen," it can be interpreted to mean that some flaw has rarely come up, right?
In other words, I think it is reasonable to conclude that they did so because there was an administrative deficiency that led to a leak.
This strange communication was issued because the government admitted that there was some flaw.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Whether the "Wuhan virus" is a biological weapon or not.
I'm not an expert, so I don't know, but judging from various circumstantial evidence, it's probably true that the Wuhan Institute for Disease and Poisoning was handling the virus for some purpose.
Although the cause is unknown, it is more reasonable to think that the leak came from that laboratory.
 A researcher in the Institute was infected with the 'Wuhan virus' and transferred it to the person by the concentrated close.
I think the most likely scenario is that this researcher went to the hospital and transferred it to another doctor.
And then, it's transferred from one doctor to another.
On the Internet, eight people called the police to send out a message that pneumonia, as you know, is occurring.
All eight of these people were doctors.
Probably the first infection was a 'nosocomial infection.'
Which hospital is it?
I think it's Wuhan City Central Medical Center (Central Hospital).
It went from a doctor to an ordinary patient and spread throughout Wuhan City.
So, the doctor died in the early stages.
After all, it was Li Wen-liang, a doctor in Wuhan City who had sounded the alarm on the Internet early on.
I didn't know why the doctor died so early, but that's what it was. 
It was said that the virus outbreak came from rats and bats sold at seafood markets, but this must have been a complete fabrication.
And the authorities of Wuhan City have purposely closed this market to increase the visual effect.
In any case, the rats and bats theory has become very puzzling.
If so, the SARS (acute respiratory syndrome) that occurred in 2003 was said to be caused by masked palm civet, but that's also pretty suspicious.
Yes, that's right.
To be honest, the Chinese don't eat bats that much.
So you're saying that some people eat it.
Chinese people eat dogs and snakes, but I've never heard of them eating bats before.
For example, when we go to Vietnam, they always eat a rat.
Everyone in Vietnam would be angry if there were no rats at the wedding.
It's true.
It's an ethnic custom.
I guess that's why there are minorities that eat bats.
However, the very bat theory has become doubtful.
This article continues. 


